NAMOur WorkProgramsClinician Resilience and Well-BeingCommitment Statements on Clinician Well-Being

Organizational Commitment Statements

To provide an opportunity for organizations across the country to discuss and share plans of action to reverse clinician burnout and promote clinician well-being, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) has collected statements describing organizational goals or commitments to action. By sharing their commitment to improving clinician well-being and reducing clinician burnout, these organizations are an active contributor to the NAM’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience. The following organizations have submitted formal statements:

* denotes inaugural sponsoring organizations of the Clinician Well-Being Collaborative
** denotes current sponsoring organizations of the Clinician Well-Being Collaborative

Submit a Commitment Statement

The NAM welcomes additional statements describing organizational goals or commitments to improving clinician well-being and decreasing clinician burnout. Submit your statement by completing the questionnaire linked below. Your statement may be uploaded as a Word or PDF document.

By submitting a commitment statement, you are joining the Action Collaborative as a network organization committed to reversing trends in clinician burnout. To learn more about what it means to be a network organization, please visit our Network Organizations page.

Submission Guidelines

  • Statements should be 500 words or less. If applicable, you may include a link to a longer statement on your website.
  • Statements should describe organizational (rather than personal) commitments.
  • Statements responding to the prompt will be posted on the NAM website.
  • The NAM may choose not to post submissions that are not responsive to the prompt.
  • Statements will not be edited without written approval from the submitting organization.
  • Contact information for your organization’s liaison will be posted on the NAM website to further facilitate a self-sustaining action network unless you specifically request otherwise.


This page includes links to statements created by other public and/or private organizations. These statements are provided solely for our users’ information and convenience. These statements are created by other public and/or private organizations, and are in no way connected to, under the control of, or associated with the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). Inclusion of the statements does not imply or constitute an endorsement or promotion by NAM or NASEM of any persons or organizations. Neither NAM nor NASEM endorse these statements, and are not responsible in any way for any content, advertising, products, services or information on or available from the organizations responsible for the statements. NAM and NASEM make no guarantees, and accept no liability, regarding the linked statements, including, but not limited to, their availability, accuracy, currency, content, quality or lack of objectionable or offensive content.