NAMOur WorkProgramsClinician Resilience and Well-BeingAction Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience Network Organizations

Network Organizations of the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience

The NAM launched the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience in 2017 to improve baseline understanding of challenges to clinician well-being, raise visibility of clinician stress and burnout, and elevate evidence-based, multidisciplinary solutions. Until September 2023, we invited organizations to join our work as Network Organizations.

We built a network of over 200 organizations committed to reversing trends in clinician burnout. Network organizations made commitments to improving the well-being of clinicians and supported the Clinician Well-Being Collaborative’s goals and objectives. The Clinician Well-Being Collaborative is grateful to the below network organizations for informing and moving forward our past work.

This foundational network evolved in October 2023 into a national movement for health workforce well-being.

Join the Movement for Clinician Well-Being

Become a Change Maker Organization

Join the Change Maker Campaign to advance health workforce well-being and connect to organizations pursuing similar goals. Launched in October 2023, this growing movement unites health care leaders, government, educators, and more to drive policy and systems change.

Network Organizations

Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health
Contact: Beth Rosenthal, MPH, MBA, PhD | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health
Contact: Robert Saper | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
Contact: Mary Steffens | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine
Contact: Margaret Breida | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Commitment Statement

American Academy of Cardiology

American Academy of Emergency Medicine
Contact: Robert Lam | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Academy of Emergency Medicine’s Resident and Student Association
Commitment Statement

American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
Contact: Joe Rotella | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Academy of Pediatrics, Hawaii Chapter
Contact: Galen Chock |[email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Academy of Physician Assistants
Contact: Noel Smith | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Association for Physician Leadership
Contact: Peter Angood | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Contact: Libby Ross | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology
Contact: Brett Morgan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Commitment Statement

American Association of Sleep Technologists
Contact: Abigail Lynn | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Balint Society
Contact: Jose R. Nino | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Board of Family Medicine
Commitment Statement

American College of Cardiology
Contact: William J. Oetgen | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American College of Gastroenterology
Contact: Maria Susano | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Commitment Statement

American College of Preventive Medicine
Commitment Statement

American College of Radiology
Contact: Claire Bender | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Dental Association
Contact: Alison Bramhall | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Contact: Christine Moutier | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society
Contact: Donald J. Dudley | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Holistic Nurses Association
Contact: Crystal Shanks | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Medical Informatics Association
Contact: Tayler Williams | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Medical Women’s Association
Contact: Kimberly Templeton | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Occupational Therapy Association
Contact: Varleisha D. Gibbs | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Organization of Nursing Leadership
Contact: Stacey Chappell | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Pharmacists Association
Contact: Brigid Groves | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Physical Therapy Association
Contact: Bill Boissonnault | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Podiatric Medical Association
Contact: Dyane Tower | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Psychiatric Nurses Association
Contact: Meaghan Trimyer | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Psychological Association
Contact: Wendy L. Ward | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Contact: Linda J. Burns | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Society of Hematology
Contact: Katherine Stark | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

American Veterinary Medical Association
Contact: Jen Brandt | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

ANCC Pathway to Excellence
Contact: Christine Pabico | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Commitment Statement

Association of Academic Physiatrists
Commitment Statement

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
Contact: Makenzie Peterson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Association of Community Cancer Centers
Contact: Pam Rattananont Ferris | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Association of Safe Patient Handling Professionals
Contact: Colin J. Brigham | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Atrium Health
Contact: Yasemin Moore | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Baylor College of Medicine and the Center for Professionalism in Medicine
Contact: Ellen M. Friedman | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Baylor Scott and White- the Heart Hospital
Contact: Jamile Ashmore | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Beyond Words Wellness Resources
Contact: Rosemary Hanrahan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Billings Clinic
Contact: Zach Benoit | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Board of Pharmacy Specialties
Contact: Samuel Johnson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Boston Children’s Hospital
Contact: Kaytlyn Darling | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Canadian Medical Association
Contact: Christopher Simon | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

CareMount Medical, PC
Contact: Thomas J. Lester | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Center for Courage and Renewal
Contact: Terasa Cooley | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Contact: Miriam Stewart | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Children’s Mercy, Kansas City
Contact: [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Children’s National Heath System
Contact: Christiane Corriveau, MD, MEd | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Choptank Community Health System, Inc.
Contact: Katelin Haley | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Christiana Care Health System
Contact: Heather Farley | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Christian Medical and Dental Associations
Commitment Statement

Christus Physician Group
Contact: Linda Ray | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Cleveland Clinic
Contact: Katherine Bulava | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Coalition for Physician Well-Being
Contact: DeAnna Santana | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine
Contact: Jonathan Ripp | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Colorado Medical Society
Contact: Alfred Gilchrist | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Contact: Carrie Ruzal-Shapiro | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Commission for Case Manager Certification
Contact: MaryBeth Kurland | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Compassion Institute
Contact: Shari Carlson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors
Contact: Loice A Swisher | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Council of Florida Medical School Deans
Commitment Statement

Courageous Healthcare
Contact: Richard J. Bogue | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Critical Care Societies Collaborative
Contact: David Martin | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Deaconess Health System
Contact: Amanda Bohleber | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Delgado Community College, Charity School of Nursing
Contact: Kim Uddo | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Dignity Health
Contact: Perry M. Gee | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine
Contact: Susan Caulfield | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Duke Health
Contact: Jonathan Bae | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Contact: Elizabeth Ingraham | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Emotion Dynamics, LLC
Contact: Tino Plank | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Envision Kindness
Contact: David Fryburg | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Extinguish Burnout
Contact: Terri Bogue | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
Contact: Richard Woolf | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Federation of State Physician Health Programs
Contact: Linda Bresnahan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

FirstHealth of the Carolinas
Contact: Suze Kopynec | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Contact: Dr. Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

George Washington University School of Nursing
Contact: JoAnn Conroy | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Giving and Receiving
Contact: Edmee Danan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Golden State MD Health and Wellness
Contact: Ahimsa Porter Sumchai | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Greater New York Hospital Association
Contact: Foster Gesten | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Greenleaf Integrative
Contact: Siddharth Ashvin Shah | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Hartford HealthCare
Contact: Jennifer Ferrand | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital
Contact: Rebecca Blair | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Healing Breaths
Contact: Christina Devi | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Healthcare Leadership Council
Contact: Roxanne Yaghoubi | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Health Cares Exchange Initiative
Contact: R. Scott Boots | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Health, Healing and Wholeness
Contact: Cristine Price | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Heartwood Healing
Contact: Jacquelyn Fletcher | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Hospice and Palliative Nurse Association
Contact: Ginger Marshall | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Houston Methodist
Contact: Stephanie Jones-Wood | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Contact: Joanie Howard | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Indiana University Health
Contact: Katherine Feley | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Contact: Jessica Perlo | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Intend Health Strategies
Contact: Sarah Smithson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

International Nurse Coach Association/Integrative Nurse Coach Academy
Contact: Karen Avino | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology
Contact: Hedvig Hricak | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Jackson Healthcare
Contact: Jessica Lacy | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Kansas University Medical Center
Contact: Terry Tsue | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Kern National Network for Caring and Character in Medicine
Contact: Cheryl Maurana | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Lake Granbury Medical Center
Contact: Aurea Baez-Martinez | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Lightning Bolt Solutions
Contact: Rachel Worsham | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Listening Room
Contact: Edmee Danan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium
Contact: Barbara Hernandez | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Contact: Doug Wysockey-Johnson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital Pediatric Residency Program
Contact: Gabriella Dauer | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Marshfield Clinic Health System
Contact: Alpa Shah | [email protected]
Michael Schulein | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Massachusetts Medical Society and the Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association Joint Taskforce
Contact: Steven M Defossez | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Mayo Clinic
Contact: Laura M. Sadosty | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

McLaren Health Care
Contact: Barbara Wolf | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Medical College of Wisconsin
Contact: Jennifer Apps | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Medical Society of Metropolitan Portland
Contact: Amanda Bores | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Medical Society of Virginia
Contact: Lynne Hughes | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

MedStar Health
Contact: Daniel Marchalik | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Commitment Statement

Metro Omaha Medical Society
Contact: Halie Smith | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Michigan Medicine
Contact: Srijan Sen | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Mind Garden, Inc.
Commitment Statement

MindWell U
Contact: Lee Cassells | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Minnesota Hospital Association
Contact: Rahul Koranne | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Minnesota Medical Association
Contact: Janet Silversmith | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Missing Logic, LLC
Contact: Michelle Troseth | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Mission Health System
Contact: William R. Hathaway | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Moffitt Cancer Center
Contact: Jennifer Bickel | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

National Academies of Practice
Commitment Statement

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Commitment Statement

National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Contact: Anne Derouin | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

National Board of Medical Examiners
Contact: Miguel Paniagua | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Contact: Brie Reimann | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Contact: David N. Weissman | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

National League for Nursing
Contact: Michael Keaton | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Contact: Karyn Wulf | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association
Contact: Heather McMahon | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

New York Presbyterian Hospital
Contact: Lyuba Konopasek | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants
Contact: Emily Adams | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

North Carolina Medical Society
Contact: Shawn Scott | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

North Carolina Physicians Health Program
Contact: Joseph Jordan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

North Texas Alliance for Clinician Resilience
Contact: Kristen Jenkins | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Ohio Hospital Association- Physician Leadership Council
Contact: Paul Hicks | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Contact: Rebecca A. Taylor | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Ohio State Medical Association
Contact: Krista Hazen | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Ohio State University
Contact: Bernadette Melnyk | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Oncology Nursing Society
Commitment Statement

OPTUMCare Medical Group
Contact: Laura Huete | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Oregon Health & Science University
Contact: Sharon Anderson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Osler Symposia
Contact: Janice A Mancuso | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Palmetto Health and the Palmetto Health University of South Carolina Medical Group
Contact: Matt Orr | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Partners Healthcare System
Contact: Thomas Sequist | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group
Contact: Kimberly Novak | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Penn Medicine
Contact: Lisa Bellini | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Permanente Medical Groups
Commitment Statement

Physicians Anonymous
Contact: Dominic Corigan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Piedmont Medical Center
Contact: Mark Billman | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Planetree International
Contact: Sara Guastello | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Polk County Medical Society
Contact: Kathie J. Lyman | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Primary Care Progress
Contact: Elizabeth Metraux | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Contact: Linda Hawes Clever | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Right Brain Rescue
Contact: Lara Salyer | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Rush University System for Health
Contact: Bryant Adibe | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Contact: Chantal Brazeau | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Ruth M. Hillebrand Center for Compassionate Care in Medicine at Notre Dame
Contact: Dominic Vachon | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Seacoast Mental Health Center
Contact: Diane Fontneau | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Shreveport Medical Society
Commitment Statement

Sibley Memorial Hospital
Contact: Harpreet Gujral | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Society of General Internal Medicine and the Association of Chiefs and Leaders of General Internal Medicine
Contact: Eric Bass | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Society of Gynecologic Oncology
Contact: Katie Martino | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Spectrum Health
Contact: Arianna Rinvelt | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Stanford Medicine
Contact: Tait Shanafelt | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

SUNY Upstate Medical University
Contact: Jarrod Bagatell | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Contact: Paul Hiller | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Sutter Health
Contact: Sue Gotelli | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Texas Children’s Pediatrics
Contact: Stan Spinner | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

The Doctor’s Company
Contact: Robert Morton | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

The Happy MD
Contact: Dike Drummond | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

The Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness
Contact: Evangeline C. Andarsio | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

The Resiliency Solution
Contact: Patrick Jeffs | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
Contact: Beth Lown | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

TMF Health Quality Institute
Contact: Christopher Hanson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Trinity Health
Contact: Sandy Hess | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Tri-Regulator Collaborative
Contact: Dawn Kappel | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University Hospitals Health System
Contact: Goutham Rao | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Contact: Erick Messias | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of California Davis Health
Contact: Peter Yellowlees | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of California San Francisco Health
Contact: Diane Sliwka | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division
Contact: Jayant Pinto | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Colorado School of Medicine
Contact: Jennifer Reese | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Florida College of Medicine
Contact: Lisa Merlo Greene | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Louisville School of Medicine
Contact: Martin Huecker | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Minnesota Medical School
Contact: David A. Rothenberger | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Mississippi Medical Center
Contact: Joshua Mann | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Nebraska Medical Center
Contact: Juliann G. Sebastian | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
Contact: Jennifer Hagen | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Contact: Elizabeth C. Lawrence | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and UNC Health Care
Contact: Lauren Westervelt | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Contact: Jennifer Berliner | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Rochester Medical Center
Contact: Jessica Shand | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Texas Medical Branch
Contact: Cary Geary | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Texas System
Commitment Statement

University of Utah Health
Contact: Amy Locke | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Virginia Health System
Contact: Margaret Plews-Ogan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University of Washington School of Medicine
Contact: Claudia Finkelstein | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

University Medical Center New Orleans
Contact: Robin McGoey | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

USF Health Morsani College of Medicine – University of South Florida
Contact: Amy Phillips | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

VA Boston Healthcare System
Commitment Statement

Valley Children’s Healthcare
Contact: Kimberly Robertello | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Contact: Mary I. Yarbrough | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Virginia Academy of Family Physicians
Commitment Statement

Virginia Commonwealth University Health and VCU Health Sciences Schools
Contact: Lisa Ellis | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Carilion Clinic
Contact: Mark H. Greenawald | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Contact: Anthony Back | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Vital WorkLife, Inc.
Contact: Mitch Best | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Waitemata District Health Board
Contact: Michael Rodgers | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Wake Forest Baptist Health
Contact: William Satterwhite | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Washington Physicians Health Program
Contact: Jill Berger | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Washington University School of Medicine/Barnes-Jewish Hospital/St. Louis Children’s Hospital GME Consortium
Contact: Rebecca P. McAlister | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Watson Caring Science Institute
Contact: Jean Watson | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Weill Cornell Medicine
Contact: Dana Zappetti | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Well-Being Index
Contact: Ricky Cheak | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

WellStar Health System
Contact: John Brennan | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Western Carolina Medical Society
Contact: Miriam Schwarz | [email protected]
Commitment Statement

Contact: Michiel Rauws | [email protected]
Commitment Statement


This page includes links to statements created by other public and/or private organizations. These statements are provided solely for our users’ information and convenience. These statements are created by other public and/or private organizations, and are in no way connected to, under the control of, or associated with the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). Inclusion of the statements does not imply or constitute an endorsement or promotion by NAM or NASEM of any persons or organizations. Neither NAM nor NASEM endorse these statements, and are not responsible in any way for any content, advertising, products, services or information on or available from the organizations responsible for the statements. NAM and NASEM make no guarantees, and accept no liability, regarding the linked statements, including, but not limited to, their availability, accuracy, currency, content, quality or lack of objectionable or offensive content.