Carbon Accounting 101
The NAM Climate Collaborative hosted three Carbon Clinics designed to teach carbon accounting to health care delivery organizations. The pre-recorded webinar series covers the basics of carbon accounting while adhering to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, including what data to collect, how to measure and report data, and real-world examples.
Hospitals and health systems can browse the Carbon Clinics and related resources below for steps to reduce their carbon footprint. This information is also relevant to organizations outside the health sector interested in learning more about the basics of carbon accounting.
What is Carbon Accounting?
Carbon accounting is the process of measuring, tracking, and reporting an organization’s greenhouse gas emissions. This helps organizations understand how they are contributing to climate change and how they can most effectively reduce their emissions.
The different kinds of greenhouse gas emissions are divided into three categories, or Scopes:
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Carbon Clinic: Scopes 1 and 2
Learn the basics of carbon accounting and its application to Scope 1 and 2 emissions, including what data to collect, how to measure and report data, and adhering to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Featured presenters:
Jon Utech (Cleveland Clinic)
Matthew St. Clair and Seema Gandhi, MD (UC Health)
Carbon Clinic: Scope 3 (Part 1)
Learn about Scope 3 measurement and reporting, specifically emissions related to the supply chain or purchased goods and services. This clinic gives an overview of the latest developments and emerging tools and methods in the evolving area of Scope 3 measurement.
Featured presenters:
Matthew Eckelman, PhD (Northeastern University)
Beth Schenk, PhD (Providence)
Jodi Sherman, MD (Yale)
Carbon Clinic: Scope 3 (Part 2)
Learn about additional Scope 3 emissions, such as investments and employee commuting. This clinic also includes a brief discussion around carbon offsets.
Featured presenters:
Matthew Eckelman, PhD (Northeastern University)
Jon Utech (Cleveland Clinic)
Beth Schenk, PhD (Providence)
Steps to Address Scopes 1 and 2
1. Getting Started
To begin carbon accounting, health care organizations should collect data from a variety of locations utilizing different methods, including drawing data from energy billing systems, purchasing systems, investment teams, employee surveys, waste data systems, and real estate. This is often a time-intensive activity but is necessary to understand when and how the system is emitting GHGs. Data should be gathered only on facilities and operations where changes can be made and sustained.
2. Determining a Baseline
After data collection, the baseline GHG emissions for the health care system should be calculated and will serve as a benchmark for the development of a reduction strategy. Carbon footprints should be determined by activity data multiplied by carbon factors, and reductions can be planned by using less material or energy or switching to a lower carbon modality.
3. Setting a Reduction Goal
A reduction goal should include an anticipated percentage reduction in emissions, specific goal emissions levels, percentage reduction in emissions necessary to reach the goal levels, and a target date for achievement. Some organizations aim for a carbon neutral goal by reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions to zero, but the cutting-edge approach is to reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions down to net zero.
4. Developing a Reduction Strategy
Once the reduction goal is set, organizations can use the data they have collected to launch their reduction strategies and then monitor progress. The biggest targets for reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions are typically the usage of electricity, natural gas, and purchased steam:
- Turn off energy systems when not needed, including lights, heating and cooling systems, and equipment (where feasible) that are not in use.
- Establish an anti-idling policy for vehicles.
- Properly maintain equipment and ensure that energy systems operate at peak efficiency.
- Upgrade lighting systems from fluorescent to LED.
- Identify future opportunities to utilize more efficient energy systems (e.g., switching from a natural gas boiler to an electric heat pump when a major renovation or new construction allows).
- Use renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, whenever possible.
5. Monitoring Progress
Regularly monitoring selected reduction strategies is crucial for understanding how much Scope 1 and 2 emissions are being reduced. Tools can be utilized to rate and compare facility performance prior to and following strategy implementation, while real-time energy data tools can provide feedback on system trends from day-to-day.
6. Reporting Carbon Footprint, Strategy, and Goals
Publicly disclosing the health system’s reduction goal is important, and there are several reporting frameworks available to ensure transparency. Reporting should include the standard used to calculate the data, how data accuracy is managed, and as much strategy disclosure as leadership is comfortable with.
Steps to Address Scope 3
1. Getting Started
To begin carbon accounting, health care organizations should collect data from a variety of locations utilizing different methods, including drawing data from energy billing systems, purchasing systems, investment teams, employee surveys, waste data systems, and real estate. This is often a time-intensive activity but is necessary to understand when and how the system is emitting GHGs.
2. Setting Boundaries
Hospitals typically set boundaries based on operational control, which includes facilities where they have the ability to make changes and sustain them.
3. Determining a Baseline
After data collection, the baseline GHG emissions for the health care system should be calculated and will serve as a benchmark for the development of a reduction strategy. Carbon footprints should be determined by activity data multiplied by carbon factors, and reductions can be planned by using less material or energy or switching to a lower carbon modality.
4. Setting a Reduction Goal
A reduction goal should include an anticipated percentage reduction in emissions, specific goal emissions levels, percentage reduction in emissions necessary to reach the goal levels, and a target date for achievement. Some organizations aim for a carbon neutral goal by reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions to zero, but the cutting-edge approach is to reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions down to net zero.
5. Developing a Reduction Strategy
Once the reduction goal is set, organizations can use the data they have collected to launch their reduction strategies and then monitor progress. The biggest targets for reducing Scope 3 emissions include:
- Reducing usage of supplies and eliminating waste.
- Not-for-profit systems, in particular, can consider implementing investment strategies that reduce their exposure to high carbon industries.
- Implementing policies to support low carbon commuting, such as using electric vehicles and allowing and encouraging remote work.
- Tracking and reducing Scope 3 energy in conjunction with Scope 1 and 2 reduction efforts.
- Tracking waste diversion by type and processing method.
- Keeping track of business travel activities and their emissions.
- Tracking leased assets.
6. Monitoring Progress
Regularly monitoring selected reduction strategies is crucial for understanding how much Scope 1 and 2 emissions are being reduced. Tools can be utilized to rate and compare facility performance prior to and following strategy implementation, while real-time energy data tools can provide feedback on system trends from day-to-day.
7. Reporting Carbon Footprint, Strategy, and Goals
Publicly disclosing the health system’s reduction goal is important, and there are several reporting frameworks available to ensure transparency. Reporting should include the standard used to calculate the data, how data accuracy is managed, and as much strategy disclosure as leadership is comfortable with.
Download a shareable two-page overview of carbon accounting and these steps to address Scope 3.
The funding support extended by the NAM Climate Grand Challenge’s sponsors makes work like Carbon Accounting 101 possible. See full list of sponsors.
Disclaimer: This product was prepared by Jon Utech, Cleveland Clinic (member of the Policy, Financing, and Metrics Working Group of the NAM Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the Health Care Sector), and Justin Massey, National Academy of Medicine (NAM); and reviewed by members of the Action Collaborative and all Carbon Clinic speakers. Statements on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of all members of the Action Collaborative; the NAM; or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). The clinics and briefs are intended to help inform and stimulate discussion. This is not a report of the NAM or the NASEM. Copyright by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
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