Climate Grand Challenge
Climate change is among the most important and urgent global health threats and opportunities of the 21st Century.
About the Program
Recognizing this, the NAM launched the Climate Grand Challenge in 2020. The Climate Grand Challenge is a multi-year global initiative to improve and protect human health and well-being — especially for populations disproportionately impacted by climate change — by working to transform systems that both contribute to and are impacted by climate change. The Climate Grand Challenge has five strategic objectives:
NAM Climate and Health Summit
Climate Grand Challenge Work Streams
Climate Communities Network
Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector
Communicating About Climate Change & Health
Research and Innovation
Roadmap for Transformative Action
Why Climate Change Matters for Human Health
While many consider climate change to be a looming environmental threat—one that stands to impact future generations more so than today—millions of people die globally every year because of health issues linked to climate change. Further, these health threats and impacts are not evenly distributed or experienced across geographies or populations, but rather, are disproportionately burdening specific populations. The climate crisis is a public health crisis that will continue to pose significant threats in the absence of concerted action.
The Climate Grand Challenge will highlight the most robust actions to address climate change that could yield a healthier, more resilient society. The NAM will serve as a unifying hub for any organization or individual who cares about this issue to come together and take action, to ultimately catalyze a climate and health movement.
Highlighting organizational climate actions: Supports exist to help institutions in mitigating their environmental footprint. For example, IRA implementation can enable hospitals to pave a greener and more sustainable way forward while curbing costs.
Highlighting individual climate actions: Many individuals are committed to responding to climate change. For example, the NAM invited future health professionals to share their visions for how the health sector can address climate impacts on human health.
Chris Hanley, Senior Program Officer
Camila Anderson, Senior Program Assistant
Funmi Chinekezi, Program Officer
Cady Hyde, Senior Program Assistant
Vijay Iyer, Associate Program Officer
Emma Lower-McSherry, Research Associate
Jessica Marx, Senior Program Officer
Justin Massey, Associate Program Officer
Samantha Phillips, Communications Officer
Grace Robbins, Associate Program Officer
Helia Samani, Senior Program Assistant
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Grantham Foundation
JPB Foundation
McCall MacBain Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation