MINDBODYSTRONG is a cognitive behavioral skills building (CBSB) program that provides a theory-based approach to improve mental health, healthy lifestyle beliefs...
A free online platform to support clinicians provide peer to peer support by signing up with a buddy and receiving weekly nudges to check-in with each other, along...
Evidence-based “psychological PPE” recommendations for use by staff providing care during the COVID-19...
The strategies and resources on this page intend to manage personal mental wellbeing, and the mental well-being of your health care providers during the pandemic or...
This module offers five steps to build the foundation for a peer support system within an...
The following guidebook, published by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, provides a comprehensive approach to promoting well-being during the...
Published in Journal of Graduate Medical Education, the following systematic review identifies factors associated with well-being, summarizes well-being promotion...
The following study assesses the impact of weekend respite, with consequent reduction in continuity of care, for intensive care unit physicians and their patients....
Published in Palliative and Supportive Care, this study develops a communication skills training (CST) workshop program based on patient preferences and evaluates...
The following article discusses positive psychology as a means of mental health promotion in family medicine. Themes in family medicine help improve understanding...