
Clinician burnout is largely the result of external factors outside the control of an individual clinician – including regulations, payment incentives, organizational policy and culture, social pressures and stigma, and more. In other words, clinician burnout is a system issue. Therefore, system-level solutions are needed to prevent burnout and promote well-being. Such solutions require significant buy-in from leaders across the health system.

In addition to necessary system-level solutions, strategies like mindfulness and meditation have shown promise in helping individuals build resilience.

Browse the topics below to learn more about strategies for leaders, organizations, and individuals to protect and promote the well-being of clinicians.

Responsibility for addressing burnout should not be solely placed on the individual clinician. Organizations and organizational leadership must also do their part...

Valid and reliable instruments used to measure burnout are important not only for the purpose of empirical research but also for individuals to understand their own...

Demands placed on clinicians by the health care system contribute greatly to burnout and dissatisfaction. In addition to necessary system-level solutions,...