The Evolution of Technology in Biomedical Science: Promises and Challenges
The National Academy of Medicine held its annual meeting from Saturday through Monday, October 19-21, 2019, in Washington, DC at the National Academy of Sciences Building.
- Saturday, October 19, 2019 (MEMBERS ONLY)
- Sunday, October 20, 2019 (MEMBERS ONLY)
- Monday, October 21, 2019 (8:00 am – 6:30 pm Eastern Time)
- Full Day In-Person Attendance (10/21/19) 8:00 AM to 5:45 PM
- President’s Forum Only (10/21/19) 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM
- Live Webcast (10/21/19) 8:00 AM to 5:45 PM
Program Features:
Panel 1: Data Sharing and the Individual: The Tension between Privacy and Open Source Data in Science
Moderator: Ellen Wright Clayton, JD, MD, Craig-Weaver Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Law, and Professor of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Panelists :
W. Nicholson Price II, PhD, JD, Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
Sharon F. Terry, President and CEO, Genetic Alliance
John Wilbanks, Chief Commons Officer, Sage Bionetworks
Consuelo H. Wilkins, MD, MSCI, Vice President for Health Equity, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Executive Director, Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance
Panel 2: Shaping Next Generation Delivery Using Artificial Intelligence
Moderator: Suchi Saria, MSc, PhD, John C. Malone Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
Amy Abernethy, MD, PhD, Principal Deputy Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Atul Butte, MD, PhD, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics, Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, and Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco; Director, Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute; and Chief Data Scientist, University of California Health
Amy Compton-Phillips, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, Providence St. Joseph Health
Sendhil Mullainathan, PhD, Roman Family University Professor of Computation and Behavioral Science, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Panel 3: Human Genome Editing: Navigating Ethics and Global Governance
Moderator: Jeffrey Kahn, PhD, MPH, Andreas C. Dracopoulos Director, and Levi Professor of Bioethics and Public Policy, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
R. Alta Charo, JD, Warren P. Knowles Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Fellow, Center for Advanced Study of Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
Peter Mills, PhD, Assistant Director, Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Feng Zhang, PhD, James and Patricia Poitras Professor of Neuroscience at MIT; Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT; and Core Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Robert M. Califf, MD, MACC, Vice Chancellor for Health Data Science and Director, Duke Forge; Donald F. Fortin, M.D. Professor of Cardiology, Duke University School of Medicine; and Advisor, Verily Life Sciences
President’s Forum:
Realizing the Potential of Science and Technology in Health & Medicine: Navigating the Implications for Society
Victor J. Dzau, president of the National Academy of Medicine, hosted a forum on the societal implications of emerging science and technology in health and medicine, and the need for a future multisectoral, collective governance framework to guide the development and adoption of new technologies on Monday, October 21, from 4:30 to 5:45 pm in Washington, DC.
Robert Cook-Deegan, MD, Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society and the Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, Arizona State University
Scott Gottlieb, MD, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute and former commissioner, Food and Drug Administration
Vivian Lee, MD, PhD, MBA, President, Health Platforms, Verily Life Sciences
Alondra Nelson, PhD, Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study and President, Social Science Research Council
Elias Zerhouni, MD, Professor Emeritus, Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University and former Director, National Institutes of Health
In addition to the scientific program, NAM President Dr. Victor J. Dzau welcomed the newest class of NAM members and presented the 2019 recipients of the Gustav O. Lienhard Award for Advancement of Health Care, the Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health, and the Member Awards.
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For questions about the 2019 NAM Annual Meeting, contact NAMedicine@nas.edu