Martin's Viewpoint article in The Lancet points out that near verbatim transcription of clinical encounters are harmful to patients, clinicians, and the health...
This research article on a pilot study explores potential effectiveness of OurNotes, a secure portal through which clinicians and patients can co-produce medical...
Goroll's Perspective paper in the New England Journal of Medicine illustrates the electronics arms race between payers demanding documentation to justify payment...
The Harris Poll, on behalf of Stanford Medicine, conducted a comprehensive survey of over 500 primary-care physicians (PCPs) on their perceptions of electronic...
The following literature review of 24 studies examines the relationship between electronic nursing documentation and the quality of care provided to hospitalized...
The following systematic review examines how physician use of EHRs in medical consultations affects doctor-patient communication, both in terms of patient...
Although nurses applaud the EHR, they also indicate dissatisfaction with its design and cumbersome electronic processes. This article describes the views of nurses...
Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) has had demonstrated benefits in error reduction and guideline adherence, but its implementation has often been...
The following report, conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicad Services, describes the general principles of E/M documentation, as well as the common...
The following perspective piece, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, discusses the transformative potential of electronic health records (EHRs), which...