Health Leaders Operationalize National Plan for Health Worker Well-Being
Leaders of the NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative are committed to collective action to achieve health workforce well-being. Using the clear outline laid out in the NAM’s National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being, leaders across the health sector are cultivating a movement to optimize care providers’ well-being.
Hear directly from health care leaders below about the critical need to support health workers, and ultimately patient care, and get inspired by how their organizations are taking action now to implement the National Plan. We need multiple actors – including health care and public health leaders, government, payers, patients, educators, and others – to engage with the National Plan in order to address the health workforce burnout crisis.
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
Thomas J. Nasca, MD, MACP, President and CEO
“It is time for all of us not only to understand what needs to be done, but also to commit to doing our part to make the desired future state a reality. If we are to translate the National Plan into a successful movement to achieve the goals of the Plan, each of us must commit to an action.”
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Lucinda L. Maine, PhD, RPh, Former Executive Vice President and CEO
“I think the most important thing that the National Plan will do is gives my profession of pharmacy the opportunity to really work collaboratively to really make meaningful progress on behalf of the professions and on the patients we serve. There’s now the ammunition for us to get out and start the crusade to make meaningful and hopefully rapid improvements in the well-being of the health workforce.”
American Dental Association
Brett Kessler, DDS, Trustee
“We need to make it okay for our colleagues to come forward and seek help, and not be stigmatized. We will be a better workforce to provide better care for our patients.”
American Hospital Association
Richard J. Pollack, President and CEO
“The selfless commitment of our frontline caregivers in serving patients and protecting communities has put a bright light on the need for us to care for our caregivers more than ever before. The National Plan recognizes this and provides a roadmap for everyone to make a contribution.”
American Nurses Association
Ernest J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN, 36th President
“We recognize that the well-being of the nation depends upon the health and safety of all health care workers and providers. We must realize that it will take all of us working together to support a healthy health care workforce. Our patients and our health care consumers will benefit.”
International Council of Nurses
Pamela Cipriano, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, President
“We must act now and really get the energy from government, our health care organizations, our employers, our public and other policymakers to be able to recognize that we’ve got to take care of our workforce. It’s important for patient safety, the well-being of individuals, the future of our health care system.”
National Academy of Medicine
Victor Dzau, MD, President
“Change requires leadership, and I know we have it from all of you. I ask all of you to advocate for the Plan. Because well-being is not a single endpoint; it’s a journey that we all need to travel together.”
National Medical Association
Rachel Villanueva, MD, FACOG, 122nd President
“The intentionality of this National Plan in cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive plan for the whole of the workforce, and not just physicians and nurses, speaks to the heart.”
Office of the Surgeon General
Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, 21st Surgeon General
“That is why this movement that we are building in the country is so important, this movement to address burnout, to create a foundation for well-being for clinicians, public health workers. We have to help the country understand that health worker well-being is a national priority.”
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Toronto General Hospital
Barry Rubin, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCSC, Medical Director
“In order to improve outcomes, improve the work experience for providers and health care system finances, it’s crucial that we address burnout.”
Veterans Health Administration
Carolyn Clancy, MD, MACP, Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Discovery, Education and Affiliate Networks
“We can never underestimate the power of partnership when it comes to achieving high-priority goals. Please know the VA stands ready to work with you and help spark and build that national movement for health workforce well-being.”
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