Climate and Health Information Gateway
The NAM Grand Challenge on Climate Change, Human Health, and Equity offers the following resources to help a variety of audiences better understand the relationship between a changing climate and health outcomes. The Climate and Health Information Gateway aims to help people find information that will support health and well-being for themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. The gateway highlights free, evidence-based resources curated with the input of an expert NAM committee and suggestions from climate experts engaged in a collaborative process to build a research agenda reflecting the most urgent research gaps at the intersection of climate change, health, and equity.
This resource will be updated with additional content and enhanced capacities in early 2025.

Community Leader
Our Climate Our Future
The Climate and Health Youth Education Toolkit
Article and Video
The Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Children and Youth
Article and Video
First Responder
Government Official
Health Professional
ClimateRx for Health Professionals
Article and Video
The Climate Resilience for Frontline Clinics Toolkit
Article and Video
Individual with Health Concerns
Mental Health Professional
The Climate and Health Youth Education Toolkit
Article and Video
Parent or Guardian
The resources on this page do not necessarily represent the views of any one organization, the Grand Challenge on Climate Change, Human Health, and Equity, or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and have not been subjected to the review procedures of, nor are they a product of, the National Academies. We are sharing this curated list based on the expert guidance of volunteers to serve as resources.