Clinician Well-Being Collaborative Member Change Makers

Building on the Foundation of the NAM Clinician Well-Being Network  

The NAM Change Maker Campaign builds on almost six years of collective work among 200 Clinician Well-Being Collaborative members and network organizations. We want to recognize the deepening partnerships with our network through the Change Maker Campaign. 

Clinician Well-Being Collaborative members were asked in 2023 how they could best support a national movement through our Change Maker Campaign. These member organizations have elected to accelerate, coach, amplify, and drive change to ensure the Collaborative’s work continues in a meaningful way. 


Accelerating Change 

Our inaugural Change Maker Accelerators have committed to tracking implementation of the National Plan at their institutions. The NAM is working directly with this group to facilitate and measure progress across the National Plan’s priority areas and build a community of practice. The Collaborative intends to spotlight the work of these organizations to inspire others to operationalize the National Plan and accelerate our collective efforts toward well-being.

Scroll through to get to know our Accelerator organizations.  

Meet representatives from our Accelerator organizations:

Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
Bethanie Alden, MPA
Timothy Brigham, MDiv, PhD 

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Patricia Delaney, MEd, CPA
Mark Speicher, PhD, MA 

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Sarah Shrader, PharmD, FCCP 

American College of Physicians
Cynthia (Daisy) Smith, MD
Crissy Walters, MSOD 

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Anna Legreid Dopp, PharmD, CPHQ
Kayla Waldron, PharmD, MS, BCPS 

Brown University Division of Biology and Medicine
Kelly Holder, PhD 

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
RichardRiggs, MD
Manisha Chaudhary, MBA 

CommonSpirit Health
Lesly Kelly, PhD, RN, FAAN
Stacey Clough, MHS

Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin
Alicia Pilarski, DO
Rachel Trower

Kedren Health
Jerry Abraham, MD, MPH, CMQ 

Montefiore Medical Center
Carol A. Bernstein, MD
Niha Malcomson 

Ochsner Health
Nigel Girgrah, MD
Molly Richard 


Laura Hommema, MD, FAAFP
Kristi McClure, MSN, RN

The Ohio State University
Laxmi Mehta, MD 

Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, University Health Network
Barry Rubin, MD, PhD, FACS, FRCSC 

Southern California Permanente Medical Group
Ruben Sanchez, MD
Debbie Newman, MA, LMFT

University of California San Diego Health
Habib Sabbagh, MHA 

University of Kansas Medical Center
Richard Korentager, MD, FACS
Jennifer Keeton, EdD 

University of Michigan Medical School
Elizabeth Harry, MD
Shelagh Saenz, LPC 

University of Nebraska Medical Center
Stephen P. Wengel, MD 

University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Cori Poffenberger, MD 

University of North Carolina Health and UNC School of Medicine
Nadia Charguia, MD
Jenny Tauber, RN, MHA 

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Carin A. Hagberg, MD, FASA
Katrina Wright, MBA 

University of Utah
Amy Locke, MD
Mindy Vanderloo, PhD 


Coaching Change 

These Change Maker Coaches will serve as guidance groups to be available to the above Member Change Makers. These teams are an opportunity not only to share best practices and personal experience but also to foster interpersonal connections. 

Sara Aghamohammadi , MD, Chief Wellness Officer, University of California Davis Health 
William Barish, MD, Chief Welless Officer, Samaritan Health Services   
Jennifer Berliner, MD, Director, Physician Well-Being,  University of Pittsburgh Medical Center 
Jennifer Bickel Young, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, Moffit Cancer Center 
Chantal Brazeau , MD, Chief Wellness Officer, Rutgers Health 
Thomas Campbell, MD, Chief Wellness Officer,  Allegany Health Network 
Megan Furnari, MD, MS, Chief Wellness Officer, Oregon Health and Science University 
Bern Melynk , PhD, APRN-CNP, Chief Wellness Officer, The Ohio State Univerisity 
Maureen Leffler, DO, Previous Chief Wellness Officer, Nemours Children’s Healt 
Kristine Olson, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, Yale New Haven Hospital 
Jonathan Ripp , MD, MPH, Chief Wellness Officer,  Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai  
Mary Wierusz, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, Washington Permanente Medical Group 

Amplifying Change  

Change Maker Nodes, encompassing a variety of health professional associations and national organizations, are providing platforms for the Collaborative to help penetrate the National Plan’s messages and continually bridge the awareness gap among different audiences.

Lea Azour, MD (Associate Professor of Radiology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA)
Elisa Arespacochaga, MBA (Vice President of Physician Alliance, American Hospital Association) 
Alan Balch, PhD (CEO, Patient Advocate Foundation) 
Timothy Brigham, MDiv, PhD (Chief of Staff and Senior Vice President, Department of Education, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) 
Helen Burstin, MD, MPH, MACP (CEO, Council of Medical Specialty Societies)
Neil Busis, MD (Associate Chair, Technology and Innovation, Department of Neurology, NYU Langone Health) 
Robert Cain, DO (President, American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine) 
Al Carter MS, PharmD, RPh (Executive Director/Secretary, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy)
Chia-Chia Chang, MPH, MBA (Coordinator for Total Worker Health Collaborations, CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) 
Michael F. Collins, MD (Senior Vice President for the Health Sciences and Chancellor, UMass Medical School)
Sarah Delgado, MSN, RN, ACNP (Clinical Practice Specialist, Strategic Advocacy, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses) 
Susan Forneris, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE-A (Director, National League for Nursing Center for Innovation in Simulation and Technology, National League for Nursing) 
Art Hengerer (Past Chair, Federation of State Medical Boards)
Eve Hoover, DMSc, PA-C (Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of PAs) 
Keith Horvath, MD (Senior Director, Clinical Transformation, Association of American Medical College) Joe Kerschner, MD (Dean of the School of Medicine and Provost and Executive Vice President) 
Anna Legreid Dopp, PharmD, CPHQ (Director, Clinical Guidelines and Quality Improvement, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) 
Beverly Malone, PhD, MS, RN (President and CEO, National League of Nursing) 
Stacey Paul, MNS, RN, APN, PMHNP-BC (Project Director, Clinical Department of Standards and Survey Methods, The Joint Commission)
Lauren Peccoralo, MD, MPH (Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Well-Being and Development, Mount Sinai Hospital) 
Jessica Perlo, MPH (Executive Vice President, American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation)
Makenzie Peterson, DSW, MSc. (Organizational Well-Being and Strategy Consultant) 
John R. Raymond, Sr., MD (President and CEO, The Medical College of Wisconsin) 
Srijan Sen, MD, PhD (Director, Eisenberg Family Depression Center, University of Michigan) 
Michael Sutherland, MD, FACS (Director, American College of Surgeons Division of Member Services) 
David Weissman, MD (Director of Respiratory Health Division, CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) 
George Zangaro, PhD, RN, FAAN (Chief Policy and Scientific Officer, American Association of Colleges of Nursing) 

Driving Change  

These Member Change Makers will be focused on driving forward Priority Area 6 of the National Plan (Institutionalizing Well-Being as a Long-Term Value).

Jerry Abraham, MD, MPH, CMQ (Director and Chief Vaccinologist, Kedren Vaccines and President-Elect, Los Angeles County Medical Association)
Carol A. Bernstein, MD (Professor and Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Well-Being, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center) 
Steve Bird, MD (Professor of Emergency Medicine and Clinical Experience Officer, UMass Medical) 
Andrea Borondy Kitts, MS, MPH (Patient Advocate, Rescue Lung Society) 
Katie Boston-Leary, PhD, MBA, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, CCTP (Director of Nursing Programs, American Nurses Association) 
Al Carter MS, PharmD, RPh (Executive Director/Secretary, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy)
William Cooper, MD, MPH (Vice President, Patient and Professional Advocacy)
Jordyn Feingold, MD, MSCR, MAPP (Psychiatry Resident, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai) 
Thomas Granatir (Senior Vice President, Policy and External Affairs, American Board of Medical Specialties) 
Art Hengerer MD (Past Chair, Federation of State Medical Boards)
Susan Hingle, MD (SIU School of Medicine and American College of Physicians) 
Amy Nguyen Howell, MD, MBA, FAAFP (Senior National Physician Executive, Office for Provider Advancement, Optum) 
LaVonne Ortega, MD, MPH (Public Health Advisor, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 
Stacey Paul, MNS, RN, APN, PMHNP-BC (Project Director, Clinical Department of Standards and Survey Methods, The Joint Commission)
Richard Riggs, MD (Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer, Cedars-Sinai Health System) 
Jon Ripp, MD, MPH (Chief Wellness Officer, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and CHARM) 
Julie Sees, DO, FAAOS, FAOA, FAOAO (Trustee, American Osteopathic Association)
Cynthia (Daisy) Smith, MD (Vice President of Clinical Programs, American College of Physicians) 
Kelley Strout PhD, RN (Director, Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Maine) 
Mark Upton, MD (Acting Assistant Undersecretary for Health for Community Care, US Department of Veterans Affairs) 

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