February 13, 2020 | 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ET
The Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic is conducting listening sessions to better understand the state of chronic pain management, as experienced by different end-user and stakeholder groups. An additional aim of the listening sessions is to bring greater awareness to any intended and unintended consequences of recent changes to opioid prescribing guidelines and related metrics, as they pertain to the delivery, access, and coordination of chronic pain management and care.
About the Listening Session
This listening session focused on the experiences and perspectives of persons living with chronic, non-cancer pain, including their experiences interacting with and navigating the health system. The listening session featured a guided discussion with a panel of persons with lived experience. Our hope is to better understand the spectrum and diversity of experiences of those living with pain to identify key information needed to address existing practice and system-level gaps in chronic pain management.
Listening Session Panelists
- Cathy Cartwright
- Penney Cowan
- Marianne Farrell
- Tom Norris
- Barbara Rossi
Listening Session Questions for Discussion
- What aspects of your (or your loved one’s) pain care are currently working well, and what aspects are not?
- What successes and/or challenges have you experienced in accessing and receiving pain care, including complementary, non-opioid treatment options?
- What sources of information do people with pain (or you) use to learn about their (or your) pain management?
- What are the critical messages you feel need to be communicated between healthcare providers and patients and families regarding pain care?
- If you had a “magic wand,” what would you change in the health system to improve care for people with pain?
What it will inform
The session and content gathered will inform the creation of a person-centered pain management journey map—a visual illustration of a chronic pain management journey—that will serve to accelerate the uptake of a range of pain treatments by outlining approaches to effective communication that lead to strong clinical relationships and optimal quality of life for people with pain.
Additional Information
Through our listening session and discussion question form, our hope is to capture a diverse range of perspectives, representing geographic, socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, and gender diversity.
The views expressed in this listening session are those of the participants and not necessarily of the participants’ organizations, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies.)
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]