International Workshop on Science & Technology for Healthy Longevity Day 2

International Workshop on Science & Technology for Healthy Longevity Day 2

Workshop Date and Time:  June 17, 2021 | 9:00 am to 1:00 pm ET

Where: Via webinar on this page.

The U.S. National Academy of Medicine hosted an International Workshop on Science & Technology for Healthy Longevity on June 15 and 17, 2021. This 2-day workshop served as an information gathering session to inform the National Academy of Medicine’s effort to develop a Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity. The roadmap will assess the challenges presented by population aging and offer evidence-based insights for actions to improve health across the lifecourse.

The Science and Technology workshop explored and identified avenues for innovative and groundbreaking research and development across basic, clinical, pharmaceutical, social and behavioral sciences, bioengineering, information technology, and assistive technologies. It also examined ways to expand research funding and encourage targeted research.


9:00 am ET | Welcome & Recap of Day 1

  • Ann Aerts, Novartis Foundation

SESSION III: Implementing Advances in Science and Technology to Enable Healthy Longevity

This session will identify successful deployment and scaling of science and technology in building accessible, equitable, and health-promoting living environments; discuss strategies to finance and build infrastructure while ensuring public participation in building science and technology-enabled societies; further discuss actions to reform research and development ecosystems to break down siloes and encourage holistic systems approaches; consider the ethical, equity, and accessibility implications of science and technology, including
strategies to prevent and mitigate negative outcomes such as the digital divide.

 9:05 am ET | Plenary Keynote

This segment will provide an overview of the field, highlighting discussions on critical mechanisms for aging.

  • Michele Grimm, Michigan State University

 9:25 am ET | Expert Discussion

  • Moderator: Ann Aerts, Novartis Foundation
  • Charles Alessi, HIMSS
  • Alison Bryant, AARP
  • Leo Celi, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Omer Inan, Georgia Tech
  • Michelle Litchman, University of Utah College of Nursing
  • Kaushik Sunder Rajan, University of Chicago
  • David Rhew, Microsoft
  • Dykki Settle, PATH
  • Makoto Suematsu, Keio University School of Medicine
  • Diana Zandi, World Health Organization
  • Marita Titler, University of Michigan School of Nursing
  • Wong Tien Yin, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore National Eye Centre

10:45 am ET | Conclusion

11:00 am ET | Break

SESSION IV: Opportunities and Gaps in Science & Technology

This session will envision, using a future back approach, how investing in science and technology will unleash unprecedented opportunities to create more equitable aging societies worldwide; present and review highlights from the preceding workshop sessions and discussions; discuss topics, themes, and issues essential to achieving healthy longevity with equity at its center; identify and discuss gaps in knowledge and perspectives to solidify the knowledge base of the Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity initiative and report.

11:15 am ET | Welcome & Overview

This segment will provide an overview of the major domains of gaps and opportunities for investment and the priorities and next steps.

  • Tachi Yamada, Frazier Healthcare Partners

11:20 am ET | Visionary Statements on Opportunities and Gaps

This segment will provide an overview of the field, highlighting discussions on critical mechanisms for aging.

  • Tom Cheung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Elena Bonfiglioli, Microsoft
  • Selina Seah, Centre for Healthcare Assistive and Robotics Technology and Changi General Hospital

 11:50 am ET | Expert Discussion

  • Moderator: Ann Aerts, Novartis Foundation
  • Moderator: Tachi Yamada, Frazier Healthcare Partners
  • (Visionary Speaker) Elena Bonfiglioli, Microsoft Health and Life Sciences
  • (Visionary Speaker)Tom Cheung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • (Visionary Speaker) Selina Seah, Centre for Healthcare Assistive and Robotics Technology, Changi General Hospital
  • Nir Barzilai, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Andrew Brack, Arrive
  • Pinchas Cohen, USC School of Gerontology
  • Ana Maria Cuervo, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Benjamin Ebert, Dana Farber Cancer Institute
  • Joshua Hare, Longeveron Inc, University of Miami
  • Satchidananda Panda, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
  • Thomas Rando, Stanford University
  • Susanna Rosi, UCSF
  • Felipe Sierra, NIH
  • Cassandra Szoeke, University of Melbourne
  • Malu Tansey, University of Florida
  • Shelia R. Cotten, Clemson University
  • Poppy Crum, Dolby Laboratories/Stanford University
  • Judy R. Dubno, Medical University of South Carolina
  • Belinda Lange, Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University
  • Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Tech
  • Ziad Obermeyer, UC Berkeley
  • Marjorie Skubic, University of Missouri
  • Jutta Treviranus, Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University
  • Xinxin “Katie Zhu”, Yale University, Center for Biomedical Data Science
  • Charles Alessi, HIMSS
  • Leo Celi, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Omer Inan, Georgia Tech
  • Michelle Litchman, University of Utah College of Nursing
  • Kaushik Sunder Rajan, University of Chicago
  • David Rhew, Microsoft
  • Dykki Settle, PATH
  • Makoto Seumatsu, Keio University School of Medicine
  • Marita Titler, University of Michigan School of Nursing

12:50 pm ET | Conclusion and Final Remarks

  • Ann Aerts, Novartis Foundation

1:00 pm ET | Adjourn