Activating Health Professionals to Lead Climate Action

The National Academy of Medicine, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Health Care Without Harm, and Practice Greenhealth invited health care leaders, professionals of all disciplines, people working in education and health care, and anyone interested in climate and health care to attend a webinar, Activating Health Professionals to Lead Climate Action. 

This free event showcased stories of health care professional activation and leadership in climate action. Attendees heard from organizational leaders who worked to raise awareness and engage members of the health care workforce in efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions, build resilience, and foster climate leadership and equity. Speakers also included health care professionals who successfully used their collective voice to advocate for their organizations to commit to climate goals and pledges. Attendees learned about educational resources on climate and health action to further their own learning and share with their colleagues.

Related Resources


Health professional networks:

Health professional fellowships and scholarships:




This is the second in a series of events. View Webinar 1 on Decarbonizing Health Care: Taking the Next Step to Reduce Your Organization’s Emissions >>

Join NAM climate and health listserv >> Learn more about the NAM Climate Collaborative >>

The resources on this page do not necessarily represent the views of any one organization, the Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector, or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and have not all been subjected to the review procedures of, nor are they all a product of, the National Academies. We are sharing this curated list based on the expert guidance of webinar speakers to serve as resources.