Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic – Meeting #1

The Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic, led by the National Academy of Medicine with the Aspen Institute as a founding partner, is a public-private partnership of over 30 organizations committed to reducing rates of opioid abuse and improving outcomes for individuals, families, and communities impacted by addiction. Members include federal, state, and local government, health systems, associations and provider groups, medical education and accrediting institutions, pharmacy, payers, industry, nonprofits, and academia.
The Collaborative is committed to sharing knowledge, aligning and coordinating ongoing initiatives, and addressing complex challenges that require a collective response from public and private actors. The Collaborative will establish shared priorities, identify unmet needs, and develop and disseminate evidence-based, multi-sector solutions. Future activities include public meetings, expert publications, and the development of an information hub, among other efforts.

A recording of the open session will be made available after the meeting. To be notified of future events, join the project listserv.


Open Session

8:00 am | Opening Remarks

Victor J. Dzau, National Academy of Medicine
Ruth Katz, Aspen Institute
Jonathan Perlin, HCA Healthcare

8:10 am | Special Address

ADM Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

8:40 am | Meeting Objectives

Victor J. Dzau, National Academy of Medicine

Closed Session (invited participants only)

8:45 am to 4:00 pm | Presentations and Discussion