Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic – April Meeting

Download the meeting’s slide deck by clicking here. 

The opioid crisis is complex. Together, we can overcome it. 

This public meeting of the Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic included an open, public session on Tuesday, April 30 from 9am – 1pm. This open session included a keynote presentation and updates from the four working groups of the Action Collaborative.

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In 2018, the National Academy of Medicine launched the Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic, a network of more than 55 organizations committed to overcoming the opioid crisis. The Action Collaborative has three goals:

  1. Identify and raise the visibility of complex challenges, outstanding research gaps and needs of the opioid crisis that require a collective, multi-sectoral response;
  2. Elevate and accelerate evidence-based, multi-sectoral, and interprofessional solutions to improve outcomes for those affected by the opioid crisis; and
  3. Catalyze action on shared priorities and solutions to help overcome the crisis and improve outcomes for all.

Learn more about the Action Collaborative by clicking here.