Resource type: Article
To Address Burnout’s Underlying Causes, Look to Team-Based Care

Published by the American Medical Association, the following article discusses the importance of team-based care in combating burnout....

21 Principles to Reform Prior-Authorization Requirements

Published by the American Medical Association, the following article outlines a comprehensive set of 21 principles for reforming prior-authorization requirements...

10 Medical Schools with the Lowest Acceptance Rates

Published in US News and World Report, the following article lists the ten medical schools in the US with the lowest acceptance rates....

Why America’s Minority Doctor Problem Begins in Third Grade

Published in Vice News, the following article discusses the lack of diversity on medical campuses. The author reveals that studies have repeatedly shown that this...

Physician Well-Being: The Reciprocity of Practice Efficiency, Culture of Wellness, and Personal Resilience

Published in NEJM Catalyst, the following article discusses the major drivers of burnout and professional fulfillment. Each domain reciprocally influences the...

Leadership Survey: Why Physician Burnout is Endemic, and How Health Care Must Respond

Published in NEJM Catalyst, the following article provides insights from the second NEJM Catalyts Insights Council Survey on the Leadership theme. Qualified...

Fixing the System to Fight Burnout

Leaders of medical societies and other stakeholders in the health care industry are looking at broad changes in the health care system to help doctors. The...

AMA Demands EHR Overhaul, Calls Them ‘Poorly Designed and Implemented’

The following article from Healthcare IT News highlights research from the University of Wisconsin and the American Medical Association (AMA) that found primary...
