Resource type: Article
Coaching to Enhance Individual Well-Being, Foster Teamwork, and Improve the Health Care System

In a published article in the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, Dr. Adelman and Dr. Liebschutz aim to shed light on health care provider coaching as a means...

Battling Burnout: Reflecting a National Movement, Weill Cornell Medicine Puts Increased Focus on Student and Physician Wellness

Published in Weill Cornell Medicine's Newsroom, the following article provides a glimpse of how Weill Cornell Medicine is taking a role in working with medical...

Why Are a Quarter of Faculty Considering Leaving Academic Medicine? A Study of Their Perceptions of Institutional Culture and Intentions to Leave at 26 Representative U.S. Medical Schools

Vital, productive faculty are critical to academic medicine, yet studies indicate high dissatisfaction and attrition. This article identifies key personal and...

Women in Academic Medicine: Combining Career and Family

A national survey of 558 medical faculty explored how women in academic medicine balance career and family responsibilities. The survey included questions about...

A Culture Conducive to Women’s Academic Success: Development of a Measure

In the following article, published in Academic Medicine, the authors address the gender gap in academic medicine by defining the construct of a culture conducive...

Medical School Deans’ Perceptions of Organizational Climate: Useful Indicators for Advancement of Women Faculty and Evaluation of a Leadership Program’s Impact

In the following study, U.S. and Canadian medical school deans were surveyed for their perceptions regarding organizational climate for faculty, policies affecting...

Reducing Implicit Gender Leadership Bias in Academic Medicine With an Educational Intervention

This study investigates the explicit and implicit biases favoring men as leaders, among both men and women faculty, and assesses whether these attitudes change...

Gender pay gap widens among newly trained New York doctors

The following article, published in Modern Healthcare, reports on the income gap between new male and female physicians in New York, which has doubled from 2010 to...

Pregnancy and Motherhood During Surgical Training

The following study assesses the resident experience of childbearing during surgical training by conducting a self-administered 74-question survey. Results show...

Pregnancy during obstetrics and gynecology residency: effect on surgical experience

This study explores residents' views about pregnancy during residency and the effect leaves of absence had on the quantity of surgical procedures performed. 31...
