Resources tagged with: International
Burnout in the Brain at Work

Long-term exposure to a stressful working environment where demands of the job exceed the resources of the worker may develop into job burnout. It is a major...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Primary Prevention for Future Doctors: Promoting Well-Being in Trainees

In this article, the author discusses a study on the health and well-being of medical students of Netherlands. He comments that physicians need to maintain their...

Exploring public sector physicians’ resilience, reactions and coping strategies in times of economic crisis; findings from a survey in Portugal’s capital city area

This paper, published in BMC Health Services Research, explores how Portuguese public sector physicians are adapting to the recent economic crisis in Europe and...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Economy and ethics in daily hospital routine – physicians in conflict between the well-being of patients and profitability

This German article discusses the increasing role of economics in medical decision making; economics now guides and influences the structure of hospitals, the...

Critical health infrastructure for refugee resettlement in rural Australia: case study of four rural towns

This article, published in Australian Journal of Rural Health, explores how the regional resettlement of refugees impacts rural health services and identifies vital...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
The comparison between resilience, responsibility and subjective well-being (SWB) amongst male and female physicians in Ahvaz, Iran

The study compared resilience, responsibility, and subjective well-being between male and female physicians of Golestan hospital in Ahvaz, Iran. The results found...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Alleviating costs and maintaining resilience under a new junior doctors’ contract

Published in the British Journal of Health Care Management, the article underlines the prevalence of burnout in junior doctors in Britain and details the results of...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Adaptation and Resilience Among Clinicians Under Missile Attack: Shared Traumatic Reality

Published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Pruginin's article explores shared traumatic reality (STR), a process in which clinicians...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Job Burnout

This article is an international review on research of burnout which include the addition of new conceptual models illustrating the focal shift onto engagement, the...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Suicide Among Health-care Workers: Time to Act

This article, published in The Lancet, highlights the prominence and implications of physician burnout in UK. Furthermore, there is a need for collaboration to...

Opinion Piece/Short Communication