Developmental Challenges, Stressors and Coping Strategies in Medical Residents: A Qualitative Analysis of Support Groups

This retrospective, exploratory study, followed six internal medicine resident support groups for a period of 2 years to extract qualitative data were extracted and identify common themes, stressors, emotions, coping strategies and developmental challenges faced during training. The most common themes were understanding resident roles and responsibilities, developing an identity as a resident and doctor, building professional confidence, cognitive and behavioural responses to stress, and concerns about flaws in local and national health care training and delivery systems and most commonly reported emotions were anxiety and guilt, positive emotions, and anger. Although highest during second half of intern year, burnout scores improved over subsequent training years. Support group attendance and satisfaction were high and a majority of residents attribute peer relationships as the most critical source of support. The authors advise further evaluations of programmatic adaptations.

Organizational Factors, Organizational Strategies

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