Better Usability and Technical Stability Could Lead to Better Work-Related Well-Being among Physicians

The aim of this paper, published in Applied Clinical Informatics, examines which factors of Finnish electronic patient records (EPRs) contribute to the “overload factor” as reported by physicians. The effect of EPR usability on work well-being, time pressure, and job control was assessed. Technical problems associated with EPRs were related to higher time pressure and lower job control. Active participation in the development of the EPR system was related to stronger time pressure and stronger job control. In addition, use of multiple systems and time-consuming documentation for statistical purposes (billing, national registries, and reporting) were related to higher time pressure. On the other hand, longer experience with the EPR and easy-to-read nursing records reported higher job control. Overall, the study suggests fewer login procedures, easier readability of nursing records, physician participation in EPR development, and decreased need for separate documentation for statistical purposes.