This paper, published in BMC Health Services Research, explores how Portuguese public sector physicians are adapting to the recent economic crisis in Europe and...
This Washington Post article highlights the merits of Bradford Health Services, a rehabilitation program for health professionals, lawyers, pilots, first responders...
Dr. Dinah Miller's paper posits that the intrusive questions asked on licensing forms deter physicians from asking for help. 'Having a mark' on physicians' records...
This New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst article details effects of increasing consecutive work hours that residents can work. Residents are already inundated...
Goroll's Perspective paper in the New England Journal of Medicine illustrates the electronics arms race between payers demanding documentation to justify payment...
The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy released a report of the national pharmacist workforce survey results, which describes the demographic and work...
Insufficient interoperability prevents effective use of health data across the facility or system and does not support continuity of care at the patient level. The...
The following report, conducted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicad Services, describes the general principles of E/M documentation, as well as the common...
The following perspective piece, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, discusses the transformative potential of electronic health records (EHRs), which...
Published in the International Journal of Medical Informatics, the following systematic review assess the effectiveness of various interruptive medication...