A roundup of lessons learned after creating and employing the Live, Improve, Grow, Heal, Treat (LIGHT) program within health system Avera...
Provides an overview of the resiliency task force created by Atlantic Medical Group to explore and mitigate the risk of burnout among its...
A case study on Erlnager Health System leveraging EHR technology to reduce administrative burden and provider frustrations, and improve workflow...
Complete toolkits and programs that support safety, health and well-being in the workplace. These Total Worker Health toolkits are evidence-based programs designed...
This module provides a step-by-step guide to laying the groundwork for and establishing a Chief Wellness Officer role in your...
This module describes the organizational strategies necessary for executive leadership to implement a culture of wellness, workflow efficiency, and personal...
This module elaborates on the relationship between frontline physicians and administrators and offers steps to strengthen trust and transparency between the two...
This document is a playbook on well-being tailored specifically for health system leaders to address burnout in their organizations. It contains seven key steps for...
This playbook resource is divided in two-parts: COVID-19-specific resources and a guide to walk you through well-being program development and...
A case study connecting an in-depth look at organizational performance from multiple perspectives, resulting in a commitment to prioritizing wellness as a core...