Resource topic: Measuring Burnout
Job Burnout

This article is an international review on research of burnout which include the addition of new conceptual models illustrating the focal shift onto engagement, the...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Understanding the Burnout Experience: Recent Research and Its Implications for Psychiatry

Published in World Psychiatry, this review article by Maslach and Leiter, draws distinctions and connections between the broader literature on burnout and that in...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Latent Burnout Profiles: A New Approach to Understanding the Burnout Experience

Leiter's research published in Burnout Research uses latent profile analysis to identify multiple person-centered profiles across the burnout-engagement continuum...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Association Between Physician Burnout and Identification With Medicine as a Calling

Published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, the following study aims to evaluate the association between degree of professional burnout and physicians’ sense of...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Nurse-Physician Perspectives on the Care of Dying Patients in Intensive Care Units: Collaboration, Moral Distress, and Ethical Climate

Hamric's study, published in Critical Care Medicine, aims to explore the relationships among moral distress, ethical climate, physician/nurse collaboration, and...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
The New Healthcare Crisis? Doctor Burnout, Thanks to Paperwork

This article, published in The Hill, reveals the prevalence and rise of burnout and its prominent causes: too many bureaucratic tasks and spending too many hours at...

Refining the measurement of physician job satisfaction: results from the Physician Worklife Survey

The following article, published in Medical Care, documents the development and validation of a multidimensional physician job satisfaction measure and separate...

Efficacy of a brief screening tool to identify medical students in distress

The following study aims to determine whether the Medical Student Well-Being Index (MSWBI) can serve as a brief assessment tool to identify medical students in...

A Pragmatic Approach for Organizations to Measure Health Care Professional Well-Being

Clinician well-being is crucial in ensuring a healthier future for all. But we cannot effectively combat clinician burnout without measuring its...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Maslach Burnout Inventory: Human Services Survey for Medical Professionals

Recognized as the leading measure of burnout, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is validated by the extensive research that has been conducted in the more than 35...
