Resource topic: Measuring Burnout
Mindfulness, Resilience, and Burnout Sub-types in Primary Care Physicians: The Possible Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Affect

The present study, published in Frontiers in Psychology, evaluates the associations of mindfulness and resilience with burnout features (overload, lack of...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Impact of Stress and Work-Family Conflict on the Mental Well-Being of Physicians: Mediation by Job and Career Satisfaction

This study, published in British Journal of Health Care Management, explores how perceived stress and work-family conflict impact mental well-being of physicians....

Peer-Reviewed Literature
The Health and Well-Being of Australia’s future Medical Doctors: Protocol for a 5-year Observational Cohort Study of Medical Trainees

Published in British Medical Journal Open, this article introduces a newly launched observational longitudinal cohort study of 330 undergraduate medical students at...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Generation and validation of a scale to measure physicians’ well-being

Published in Revista Medica de Chile, the study focuses on the recent and ongoing changes in the structure and social organization of medicine and develops a tool...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Impact of resident well-being and empathy assessments on faculty physicians

Published in Journal of General Internal Medicine, this research studies the influence of residents' well-being and empathy on their assessment of faculty...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Impact of stress and work-family conflict on the mental well-being of physicians: Meditation by job and career satisfaction

This study, published in British Journal of Health Care Management, explores how perceived stress and work-family conflict impact mental well-being of physicians....

Establishing a ‘Physician’s Spiritual Well-being Scale’ and testing its reliability and validity

Published in Journal of Medical Ethics, this study establishes a Physician's Spiritual Well-Being Scale (PSpWBS). Qualitative data from focus groups regarding...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Emotional exhaustion and workarounds in acute care: cross sectional tests of a theoretical framework

Published in International Journal of Nursing Studies, a conceptual model is closely examined to link the clinical work environment with workarounds by clinicians,...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Autonomy and well-being among Nordic male and female hospital physicians

This study, published in Work, analyzed and compared the levels of autonomy in male and female hospital physicians in Nordic countries; additionally, it evaluated a...

Peer-Reviewed Literature
Care for the Caregiver Quality Checking Tool

Planetree released a 10-question Quality Checking Tool measuring the care of caregivers at healthcare institutions. Strategies listed for improving retention are...
