Combating Physician Burnout, a course from the Physician Business Academy, describes important information that can help physicians understand and deal with burnout...
The Moral Distress Education Project is a media project at the University of Kentucky in which core multidisciplinary experts on moral distress from across the...
The following webpage is a compilation of resources to support surgeon well-being by the American College of Surgeons. The list includes the physician well-being...
The following webpage is a compilation of resources on well-being in academic medicine by the Association of American Medical Colleges. The list contains articles,...
The following article, published in Holistic Nursing Practice, describes the implementation of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, a stress-reduction program, in a...
Authentic Happiness is a website by the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Its purpose is to provide free resources where people can...
STEPS Forward is a series of learning modules from the American Medical Association designed to help practices achieve the Quadruple Aim for health care. Over 50...
Published in Modern Healthcare, this news article provides commentary on the worsening of clinician burnout, how health IT can influence burnout, and how...
The emotional healing of the health care process is too often overlooked. Ohio State University Medical Center's Stress Trauma and Resilience (STAR) Program offers...
In this article, published in Medical Teacher, author Hedy Wald proposes a refined definition of “reflection” as it pertains to professional identity formation...