Biases and Relevant Conflicts of Interest
The Action Collaborative serves as a neutral platform through which to facilitate dialogue and discussion among representatives from multiple sectors around topics of mutual interest and concern. Individual participating members of the Action Collaborative on Combatting Substance Use and Opioid Crises have disclosed any perceived or actual interests (financial, organizational, professional, or personal in nature) relevant to the activities of the Action Collaborative.

Mitra Ahadpour declares that she has no relevant interests.
Rebecca Baker declares that she has no relevant interests.
Grant Baldwin declares that he has no relevant interests.
Rhonda Robinson Beale Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Elizabeth Bentley declares the following interests: Employee of Kaiser Permanente.
Kirsten Beronio Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Jay Bhatt declares that he has no relevant interests.
Carlos Blanco declares that he has no relevant interests.
Lynn Blewett declares that she has no relevant interests.
Jenna Bluestein declares that she has no relevant interests.
Richard Bonnie declares that he has no relevant interests.
Edna Boone Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Timothy Brennan declares that he has no relevant interests.
Anne Burns declares the following interests: Consultant on a variety of pharmacy practice issues as President of Pharmacy Horizons, LLC; volunteer representative, American Pharmacists Association; and National Advisory Board member, National Rx and Illicit Drug Summit.
Helen Burstin declares that she has no relevant interests.
Lemrey “Al” Carter declares that he has no relevant interests.
Magdalena Cerdá declares that she has no relevant interests.
Kathy Chappell declares that she has no relevant interests.
Humayun Chaudhry declares the following interests: Full-time employee of the Federation of State Medical Boards.
Jianguo Cheng Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Davoren Chick declares the following interests: Employed as the Chief Learning Officer at the American College of Physicians.
Rebecca Chickey declares that she has no relevant interests.
Roger Chou declares the following interests: Research support from AHRQ to OHSU to conduct systematic reviews on naloxone for management of suspected opioid overdose and on models of care for medications for treatment of opioid use disorder; research support from AHRQ to conduct systematic reviews on opioid for chronic and acute pain; research support from the Arnold Foundation to OHSU to conduct systematic reviews on methadone policies for treatment of opioid use disorder; and author of the 2016 and 2022 CDC guidelines on opioids for pain.
Kelly J. Clark declares the following interests: Past President, American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM); current ASAM member delegation to the American Medical Association; and consultant for Bicycle Health, Journey Colab, and Resilient Lifescience.
Charlene Dewey declares the following interests: Paid speaker on physician wellness/relationships in medicine, 2021- November 2023; PCORI grant recipient (ends January 2024); and spouse on board/stock options for HCA, Heartflow, and Compass Pathways.
Anna Legreid Dopp Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Victor Dzau declares that he has no relevant interests.
Ellen Eaton Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Ruchi Fitzgerald declares the following interests: Member, National Advisory Council, SAMHSA CSAT and Vice Chair, American Society of Addiction Medicine Legislative Advocacy Committee.
David Frank declares that he has no relevant interests.
Marianne Gibson Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Zina Gontscharow Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Rebecca Graham declares that she has no relevant interests.
Mary Grealy declares the following interests: President, Healthcare Leadership Council.
Helena Hansen declares that she has no relevant interests.
Sterling Haring Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Eric Holmboe declares that he has no relevant interests.
Lisa Howley declares that she has no relevant interests.
Yulin Hswen declares that she has no relevant interests.
Brandee Izquierdo declares that she has no relevant interests.
Jennie Jarrett declares the following interests: Research Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy; research funding from HRSA and the Illinois Department of Health and Human Services; and provides editorial services to the Family Physician Inquiries Network (FPIN).
Beverly H. Johnson declares that she has no relevant interests.
Christopher Jones declares that he has no relevant interests.
Ayana Jordan declares that she has no relevant interests.
Susan Kansagra declares the following interests: Employee, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health; Member, Association of State and Territorial Health Officers; and Board Member, North Carolina Health Care Association Foundation.
Ruth Katz declares that she has no relevant interests.
Hillary Kunins declares that she has no relevant interests.
James Langabeer declares that he has no relevant interests.
Kevin Larsen declares that he has no relevant interests.
Amanda Latimore declares the following interests: Under contract with the University of Chicago Press to write a book on the structural and social determinants of health and addiction prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction.
Cynthia Leaver declares that she has no relevant interests.
Roneet Lev declares that she has no relevant interests.
Rachel Levine declares that she has no relevant interests.
Shari Ling declares that she has no relevant interests.
Jan Losby declares that she has no relevant interests.
Cortney Lovell Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Bertha Madras declares the following interests: Consultant for IMS Consulting and Kennedys Law Firm.
Lucinda Maine declares the following interests: Vice Chair, American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education.
Edward Mariano declares the following interests: Section Chair for Education and Research, American Society of Anesthesiologists.
Patty McCarthy declares that she has no relevant interests.
Richard Migliori Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Stephen Ray Mitchell declares that he has no relevant interests.
Bobby Mukkamala declares the following interests: Chair of the American Medical Association Task Force on SUD and Pain Care.
Stephen Murray declares that he has no relevant interests.
Yngvild Olsen declares that she has no relevant interests.
Andrey Ostrovsky declares the following interests: Advisory Board Member for the following –Shatterproof, Boulder Care, Pocket Naloxone,, and AppliedVR.
Daniel Pace declares that he has no relevant interests.
Alonzo Plough declares that he has no relevant interests.
Christopher Regal declares that he has no relevant interests.
Josiah D. Rich declares the following interests: Member, Board of Directors, The Drug Policy Alliance; NIH grant recipient and funding from other federal agencies for grants that address many aspects of opioid use disorder and people impacted by the overdose epidemic; proponent for appropriate approaches and care of people impacted by substance use including frequently speaking with members of the press and publishing in academic journals and the lay press; and funding for travel to Portugal for 1 week in 2022 from a BBC funded documentary film about the approach to drug use in Portugal.
Robert “Chuck” Rich Jr. declares that he has no relevant interests.
Khary Rigg declares that he has no relevant interests.
Joy Rucker Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar declares that she has no relevant interests.
Friedhelm Sandbrink declares that he has no relevant interests.
Margot Savoy declares that she has no relevant interests.
Glorinda Segay declares that she has no relevant interests.
Joshua Sharfstein declares the following interests: Nonpaid expert for the NY Attorney General and Baltimore City in opioid litigation; co-author of a book published by Oxford University Press, the Opioid Epidemic: What Everyone Needs to Know; receives grant funds from Bloomberg Philanthropies to institution for work on the overdose crisis.
Steve Singer declares that he has no relevant interests.
Daniel Sledge declares that he has no relevant interests.
Zac Talbott Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Stephen Taylor declares the following interests: Chief Medical Officer, Pathway Healthcare, LLC; President-Elect, American Society of Addiction Medicine; Board Member, Medical Review Officer Certification Council; Member, Drug Testing Advisory Board, CSAP, SAMHSA; Board Member, Addiction Prevention Coalition, Birmingham, AL; and Scientific Advisory Board Member, Foundation for Opioid Recovery Efforts (FORE).
Robert Twillman declares that he has no relevant interests.
Sarah Wakeman declares the following interests: author for UpToDate; textbook editor and receives modest royalties from two textbooks on Opioid Use Disorder; previously served on the clinical advisory board for Celero Systems (ending in June 2021).
Barabara Walker declares the following interests: Consultant, North Carolina Medical Board and Representative/Former Board Member, Federation of State Medical Boards.
Melanie Wall declares that she has no relevant interests.
R. Corey Waller Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Scott G. Weiner Statement on relevant interests forthcoming
Johnnie Sue Wijewardane declares that she has no relevant interests.
Arthur Robin Williams declares the following interests: Consulting fees, equity, and travel/food reimbursement from Ophelia Health Inc.