Health Leaders Accelerate Well-Being
At the inaugural Health Workforce Well-Being Day in March 2024, the NAM announced more than 350 health care institutions nationwide have signed up to the NAM’s Change Maker Campaign. As part of this Campaign, the NAM Clinician Well-Being Collaborative engaged about 15 Change Makers in a Photovoice project to depict what institutionalizing health worker well-being as a value looks like in their organization, through their own eyes.
This project uses a creative lens to better understand how organizations across the country are creating work environments that support health workers in providing high-quality care. We hope viewers can identify with the experiences of these Change Makers and feel inspired to ask these questions and initiate change at their own institutions.
What is the Photovoice Methodology?
“Photovoice is a powerful qualitative research method that combines photos and accompanying words generated by participants.”
Map Instructions
Click each of the CCN Members’ photos on the map below to learn more about their community and experiences of climate change and health. Additionally, Members’ shared priorities can be viewed by using the “Filtered By” dropdown. Note that the priorities represented below are not all inclusive but identified by Members as some of their top areas of focus.
Thank you for exploring these Change Makers’ experiences! As you can see, there are many lessons to learn about advancing well-being in the short- and long-term.
This project is one way in which the NAM aims to amplify stories of triumphs and shared challenges to fuel the work of Change Makers. We will continue to engage and elevate all health workforce well-being movement actors’ efforts and expertise.
Further Infomation
More About the Clinician Well-Being Collaborative
The NAM’s Clinician Well-Being Collaborative is a network of leaders and representatives of many major health organizations and health systems across the United States. Learn more about the NAM Collaborative at The funding support extended by Collaborative sponsors makes products like this possible. See full list of sponsors.
Permission Requests
Permission is needed if you would like to reuse any of the artwork found throughout the gallery. Copyright is held by the individual artists. To request permission, please contact [email protected].
The NAM acknowledges the valuable support that Annie Levy, BFA, LMSW, Made Visible Foundation, provided for this product and thanks her for sharing her expertise on community engagement. We also once again thank the participants and all Change Makers for shedding light on the important work happening at their institutions.
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