NAMOur WorkProgramsLeadership ConsortiumIntroduction to ACE Impact Stories

Impact Stories for Assessing Community Engagement

How have others assessed engagement & its outcomes?

To provide real-world insight into this question, the Organizing Committee presents seven Impact Stories. These Stories represent individual perspectives on a moment in time, or snapshot, of community engagement efforts across a wide range of engagement levels, communities, geographical locations, and health topics. They demonstrate the variety of approaches to the complex process of engagement. show that it is possible to understand and assess impact across all four domains of the Assessing Community Engagement Conceptual Model: strengthened partnerships and alliances; expanded knowledge; improved health and health care programs and policies; and thriving communities.

Whether you represent a community, community-based organization, federal or state government, public health department, care system, researcher, or other group, these Stories show it is not only possible, but necessary to assess engagement and ensure that it is meaningful. Below are several strategies that may be adaptable for use in your own engagement work. We encourage you to explore initiatives in your own communities or contexts for more inspiration.


The Organizing Committee would like to thank the following individuals for their support on the Assessing Community Engagement Impact Stories: Kim Erwin, Director of the Equitable Healthcare Lab and Professor of Practice at the Institute of Design at Illinois Tech, for development and design; and Jenny Sculley, Senior Design Strategist at the Institute of Design at Illinois Tech, for video support.