Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics
Now open!
2025 Call for Nominations
Nominations are open until 3:00 pm ET on June 3, 2025.
About the Fellowship
The overall purpose of the Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics is to provide talented, early-career bioethics scholars with the opportunity to experience and participate in evidence-based healthcare or public health studies and policy-making process that improve the care and access to care of patients in domestic and global health care systems. The Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics enables early-career investigators to participate actively in the work of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies) and to further their careers as future leaders addressing bioethics issues in clinical care, biomedical research, and public policy. This program is supported through an endowment from the Greenwall Foundation. The Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics is part of the NAM Fellowships for Health Science Scholars program.
Current Fellow

Dr. Dhruva is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and a cardiologist at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center. His research, clinical, and education interests focus on understanding and strengthening the evidence base for the safe and effective use of drugs and medical devices in diverse populations, with the goal of improving the quality of care and clinical outcomes for patients. He identifies solutions to improve equity in the development and dissemination of these therapies. A key focus of Dr. Dhruva’s work is on improving the care of Veterans with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators through research and implementing interventions. Dr. Dhruva currently serves on the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review California Technology Assessment Forum, and American College of Cardiology National Cardiovascular Data Registry Electrophysiology Registry Steering Subcommittee. He has authored over 170 peer-reviewed publications and has been funded by the Greenwall Foundation, Department of Veterans Affairs, NIH, Food & Drug Administration, National Evaluation System for Health Technology, National Institute for Health Care Management, and Arnold Ventures.
Dr. Dhruva received his BA in Political Science and Molecular & Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. He graduated with an MD from UCSF. He completed residency in internal medicine at UCSF and fellowship in cardiovascular medicine at the University of California, Davis. He subsequently completed an MHS at Yale University.
Previous Fellows

The Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics is awarded for a two-year period. During this time, the fellow is expected to continue to work at their main academic post, while being assigned to a health- and medicine-related board of the National Academies. The boards are:
- Children, Youth, and Families,
- Food and Nutrition,
- Global Health,
- Health Care Services,
- Health Sciences Policy, and
- Population Health and Public Health Practice.
The fellowship requires a 10- to 20-percent commitment of time for two years, and includes attendance at a one-week orientation to health policy, the NAM Annual Meeting in October and the meetings of the assigned board. Domestic travel expenses are covered for participation in approved fellowship activities. Additionally, the fellow will participate actively in the work of an appropriate study committee or roundtable, including contributing to its reports or other products. Studies that would enable the potential for the fellow to contribute to the value of integrating medicine and public health will be identified.
This experience will introduce the Greenwall Fellow to a variety of experts and perspectives, including legislators, government officials, industry leaders, executives of voluntary health organizations, scientists, and other health professionals. In addition, each fellow will be assigned to an NAM member who will serve as a senior mentor during the two years of the fellowship.
A flexible research grant of $25,000 is awarded to each Greenwall Fellow, which will be administered through the appropriate department in the fellow’s home institution to advance the fellow’s professional and academic career. This grant is not intended for use as a salary offset for the fellow, and no indirect costs are allowed.
Program Information
Eligibility & Selection Process
Nominees for the Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics must:
- Be nominated by a member of the NAM
- Hold an MD, DO, JD, PhD, or an equivalent degree, with completion of post-graduate work two to ten years prior to the award
- Have demonstrated interest in, focus on, and scholarship on addressing bioethics issues in clinical care, biomedical research, public health, or public policy
- Be able to dedicate 10 to 20 percent of time to the fellowship for two years
- Be endorsed by the department chair, institute director, or equivalent
Selection Criteria
Nominees will be evaluated by an NAM-appointed committee based on their professional qualifications, scholarship, and quality of professional accomplishments as evidenced through publications and research grants, and relevance of current field of expertise to the work of the NAM.
Nomination Packet
A complete nomination packet must be submitted electronically through the online nomination system at and will include the following documents:
- A nomination letter from a member of the NAM
- Three (3) letters of reference
- A supporting letter from the candidate’s department chair, institute director, or equivalent
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae
- A brief one-page bio
- A one-page personal statement that describes the candidate’s reasons for wanting to be a fellow for this particular program at this phase of their career
March 4, 2025
Call for nominations opens
June 3, 2025
Nomination packets are due at 3:00pm ET
July 25, 2025
Awardee is notified
September 9-11, 2025
Fellow orientation week at the NAM is held
October 19-20, 2025
Fellow is introduced to the Membership at the NAM Annual Meeting
Program Administration
Inquiries about the Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics should be directed to:
Yumi Phillips
Senior Program Officer
Health Policy Fellowships and Leadership Programs
National Academy of Medicine
500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 334-1506
Email: [email protected]
The Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics was established in 2015 through an endowment from the Greenwall Foundation.