Human Trafficking is a Public Health Problem: Our Interview with NAM Fellow and Human Trafficking Expert Dr. Hanni Stoklosa

The National Academy of Medicine’s 2015-2017 American Board of Emergency Medicine fellow is Dr. Hanni Stoklosa. Dr. Stoklosa is an emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an expert on human trafficking. She co-founded HEAL Trafficking in 2013, an independent, interdisciplinary network of health professionals working to combat human trafficking. She has advised the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and has testified before the U.S. Congress on issues related to human trafficking.

Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery in which people are forced into sex or labor by threats of violence, fraud, coercion, or other forms of exploitation (U.S. Department of Homeland Security). The International Labor Organization estimates that human trafficking rakes in $150 billion a year and that there are 20.9 million trafficking victims worldwide. In our interview with her, Dr. Stoklosa frames human trafficking as a public health issue and explains why she is motivated every day to end the practice for good.

January 11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day! Follow the conversation on social media and learn more using #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay.