2025 US NAM Catalyst Award Competition
The Catalyst Awards—part of the broader Healthy Longevity Global Competition—reward bold, new, potentially transformative ideas to improve the physical, mental, or social well-being and health of people as they age.
About the Award
The National Academy of Medicine (“NAM”), with support from Johnson & Johnson Innovation, the Bia-Echo Foundation, and the Yun Family Foundation, will issue up to 15 Catalyst Awards in 2025 to U.S.-based innovators.
Each Catalyst Award includes a $50,000 cash prize as well as exclusive access to additional funding opportunities, occasions to connect and collaborate with innovators from around the world, amplification of your award-winning idea, and resources to enhance your project and professional development.
Applications Are Open
Submit an Application Today
The NAM is currently seeking bold, new, and innovative ideas that aim to extend the human healthspan (i.e., the number of years lived in good health), especially approaches that challenge existing paradigms or propose new methodologies or concepts. High-risk ideas that could potentially yield high rewards and, in turn, dramatically change the field of healthy longevity are encouraged.
2025 Timeline
- January 21, 2025, at 12:00 am EST | Application period opens
- March 4, 2025, at 11:59 pm EST | Application period closes
- Fall 2025 | Winners announced
- Applicants will be notified by the NAM as to whether or not they will receive a NAM Catalyst Award in late summer 2025. Winners will subsequently be announced on the Healthy Longevity Global Competition website.
- Fall 2025 | Global Innovator Summit (honoring 2024 Catalyst Awardees)
Dates are based on an estimated timeline and are subject to change. The NAM will post any changes to key dates on this website.
Applicant Eligibility
The NAM strongly encourages individuals with diverse backgrounds, ideologies, and perspectives to apply. Ideas or projects that aim to reduce health disparities, promote health equity, combat ageism, or apply human-centered design principles to engage older adults in the work, are also of strong interest to the NAM.
The NAM Catalyst Awards are open to any person or team of any discipline or background. Individuals do not need to be affiliated with an organization to submit an application.
The NAM accepts applications from any type of U.S.-based organization (e.g., colleges and universities, government laboratories, research institutions, non-profit organizations, and for-profit companies). For-profit companies, in particular, cannot have annual sales revenues of more than $10 million for each of their last two fiscal years, and there is a strong preference for early-stage endeavors (e.g., seed investments, startups, social enterprises, and spinouts).
The PI must reside in the U.S. as a U.S. citizen, legal resident alien, or non-resident alien with a valid visa. Co-Investigators are not required to reside in the U.S..
There must be one principal investigator (PI) named on each application (applicants may also name up to three co-Investigators). A particular individual may only be listed as PI on one Catalyst Award application per annual cycle of the NAM Catalyst Award competition. However, a PI can be named on another application as a co-Investigator within the same cycle.
There is no limit on the number of applications a particular organization may submit.
Individuals are encouraged to consult their institution’s relevant policies if unsure in which capacity they should apply.
The staff of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) are not eligible to apply for a NAM Catalyst Award.
Ideas and Topic Areas
Ideas may focus on any stage of life, as long as they ultimately promote health, functioning, meaning, purpose and/or dignity as people age.
Applications may also originate from any field or combination of fields (e.g., biology, chemistry, medicine, engineering, behavioral and social sciences, technology, data science, and policy). Examples of topic areas include but are not limited to:
- Behavioral health (e.g., social connectedness, engagement, and well-being)
- Biology of aging and molecular pathways
- Built environment and urban planning
- Disease prevention, including biomarkers and indicators of disease
- Health care delivery (e.g., technologies simplifying access to care, elder care services)
- Housing (e.g., smart-enabled homes, intergenerational housing models)
- Physical health (e.g., mobility and functionality)
- Policy (e.g., economic, health, and science)
- Reproductive longevity and equality
- Technology (e.g., telehealth; artificial intelligence; robotics; medical, assistive, and information technology)
The NAM does not seek to fund existing programs (or slight variations thereof), approaches that are primarily public awareness, educational, or advocacy campaigns, nor products that are already commercially available.
Previous Winners
Need Some Inspiration?
Check out these previous Catalyst Awardees!
Overview of Application Components
The application period will be open from January 21, 2025, at 12:00 am EST to March 4, 2025, at 11:59 pm EST.
To apply, please visit our application portal.
Please note the application portal will only be accessible during the application window.
Complete a brief Eligibility Form
The form ensures you meet the basic eligibility criteria of the NAM Healthy Longevity Catalyst Award competition
Complete an Application Form
The form includes:
- Whether you are applying as an individual or an institution
- PI contact information
- Topic area(s) of your application
- Project title
- Project abstract (details below)
- PI demographic questions (optional)
Upload your 2-page application
(review additional details below)
Additional Details
The complete set of instructions on how to prepare your application are listed here.
Project Abstract
All applicants will be required to submit an abstract, intended to be a summary of the application. The abstract must not exceed 250 words. Please write in plain language, so both experts and non-experts can understand the idea. Note that abstracts will not be considered by reviewers in their assessment of the application.
Two-Page Application Upload
All applicants will be required to upload a two-page PDF that is organized into Section I and Section II. Applicants may decide on the length of each section, however, the NAM suggests that the sections be of equal length (i.e., one page each). Please structure your two-page document with a Section I and a Section II, and speak to each of the questions and considerations outlined below. The NAM has created a template of the two-page narrative that applicants may use as a model to structure their own narrative. However, applicants are to create their own document (i.e., the template is not fillable). Download the template here.
Please write in plain language, so both experts and non-experts can understand your idea.
Do not include identifying information in the body of the document, the header/footer, or the file name. Please do not refer to project partners/collaborators by name or with other identifying information. Identifying information includes the PI/co-PI names, affiliations, partner organizations, very specific geographical locations, etc.
Section I. Explain your idea. Why is it innovative and potentially transformative?
Briefly describe your idea and why it is innovative and potentially transformative. Notably, if your idea works, what impact will it have on the health and well-being of people as they age? What will it change?
- Briefly describe the specific issue that your idea will address.
- Briefly state, in one or two sentences, the crux of your idea.
- What is the link between your idea and healthy longevity?
- How is your idea an innovative, unconventional, or creative approach?
- Why is now the right time for this idea?
- Describe your hypothesis (if applicable) and why you expect it to be successful.
Section II. How would you implement and test your idea?
Briefly describe the project design and a feasible implementation plan, and then explain how you would test your idea.
- Describe the project design and how you would realize or implement the idea. Explain why the approach is feasible.
- How would you establish proof of concept? How would you measure the effectiveness of your idea?
- If you were successful in demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of your idea, what are the next steps you would take to advance the project?
Formatting & Other Requirements
- must be in English
- must be in PDF format
- must not exceed two pages in length
- must be single-spaced
- must not include identifying information—please follow the guidance below on file naming and ensure the header/footer, and text in the body of the application does not include personally identifiable language. (FAQ page includes further guidance if needed)
- File naming instructions: for consistency, please name your file accordingly: “[first three words of your title]_Catalyst_[year].pdf”. For example, using a 2020 awardee as an example:
- Project title: Affordable, Accessible Hearing Care for Aging Well
- File name would be: “Affordable Accessible Hearing_Catalyst_2020.pdf”
- must use Calibri, 11-point font
- must have margins of at least 1/2″ on all sides
- may include a maximum of one figure, to be counted towards the two-page limit
- may include up to three key references to literature, theories, and/or evidence to suggest the proposed idea would be effective, to be counted towards the two-page limit
- must not include hyperlinks
- must not include embedded videos
- must not consist of or include a slide presentation
Applications that do not adhere to the requirements may be removed from consideration.
Review Process
The review process includes the following steps:
Administrative Review
Applications will be screened to determine whether they are complete, adhere to the formatting requirements, and meet basic relevance and eligibility criteria.
Innovation Review
Responsive applications will be evaluated by at least two external innovation reviewers. These reviewers include luminaries and experts from across disciplines (e.g., basic and biomedical science, clinical medicine, social science, engineering, computer and data science, health technology, and more). All reviewers have a history of thinking “outside the box” and conducting innovative work.
(See Innovation Review Criteria below for further detail.)
Subject Matter Expert (SME) Review
Finalist applications (approximately twice the number of Catalyst Awards to be issued) will be distributed to external SMEs to evaluate the scientific merit and feasibility of the proposed idea.
Selection Committee Review
A final selection panel appointed by the NAM will review the finalist applications and previous reviewers’ assessments, identifying the most innovative, novel, and potentially groundbreaking ideas.
Potential conflicts of interest in the evaluation process will be mitigated by the use of a double-blind review process: reviewers will not have access to information about applicants’ identities or affiliations, nor will applicants have access to such information about reviewers. In addition, the NAM will make every effort to assign an application to reviewers without apparent conflict.
Innovation Review Criteria
Specific to the Innovation Review step, the following criteria will apply (in order of descending importance):
The extent to which the proposed idea challenges existing paradigms and employs new methodologies or concepts.
This is the most important criterion.
Potential for Impact
The extent to which the proposed idea may have a significant impact on the physical, mental, or social well-being of people as they age.
The extent to which the proposed idea and the research methodology are clearly explained and the application includes a compelling or well-defined outcome metric.
The extent to which the proposed idea represents a challenge impacting the entire field, and not solely the interests of the applicant.
Terms & Conditions
The review process includes the following steps:
Due Diligence Review
Before winners are announced and awards are disbursed, a due diligence review will be conducted to verify that applicants are appropriate recipients of Catalyst Award funds.
For-profit companies under award consideration may be required to provide financial statements to verify that their annual sales revenues for each of the last two fiscal years do not exceed $10 million (if applicable).
Intellectual Property and Use of Names/Likenesses
- Applicants retain all intellectual property rights they may have in their applications. Reviewers will be asked to keep confidential the contents of applications.
- If selected for a Catalyst Award, as a condition of award, Awardees will be required to grant a license to the NAS to share the Title and Abstract portion of the application and identify the Applicant by name in connection with NAS’ Healthy Longevity Global Competition. In addition, the Principal and other Co-Investigators listed on the application will have to provide NAS with permission to use their name, likeness, highest degree(s), and affiliation in connection with NAS dissemination efforts related the Healthy Longevity Global Competition.
- Applicants authorize NAS to share with each sponsor of the Healthy Longevity Global Competition (on a confidential basis and at any phase of the Competition) the Title, Abstract, Applicant name, and Principal Investigator name and email address to enable sponsors to determine if they are interested in providing additional funding for projects.
- Applicants are encouraged to consult an intellectual property attorney prior to entering the competition.
Progress Update
Each US NAM Catalyst Award winner will be required to complete a survey about their project progress and milestones achieved; related media coverage, publications, etc.; ways in which the award has helped your career (if applicable), etc. NAM staff will request responses from winners approximately one-year post receipt of the award.
Innovator Summit
In addition to the cash prize, U.S. NAM Catalyst Award winners will be strongly encouraged to attend the virtual annual Global Innovator Summit in the subsequent calendar year. The Global Innovator Summit will be an opportunity to share ideas with fellow innovators, find opportunities to collaborate, meet industry leaders who can help guide future work, and discuss innovations with potential investors. You can view materials from the 2024 Global Innovator Summit here.
Other Information
Applicants may submit as an independent individual/team or on behalf of their institution. Please review the following distinctions:
For applicants applying as individuals (i.e., if awarded, the cash prize will be issued to an individual as opposed to an organization)
Prizes awarded to individuals are reportable to the IRS. Taxes on prizes, if any, are the responsibility of the winner. Prizes awarded to individuals who are non-resident aliens will be subject to applicable IRS tax reporting and withholding.
For applicants applying on behalf of an institution or in their official capacity as a staff or faculty member (i.e., if awarded, the cash prize will be issued to an institution, university, company, or organization)
Relatedly, the indirect cost policy for the NAM’s Healthy Longevity Catalyst Award competition is as follows: the institution should waive indirect costs associated with the Prize. However, if absolutely necessary to comply with your institutional policy, no more than a de minimis rate of up to 10% of the total Prize amount may be charged to indirect costs.
Questions & Answers
Potential applicants may submit questions about the NAM Catalyst Award competition and/or application requirements. Before submitting, individuals should consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to ensure their question has not already been addressed.
To submit a question, please send an email to [email protected] with the Subject line “Question – NAM Catalyst Awards.” NAM staff will respond to you within one week if your question has not been answered on the FAQ page.