The International Oversight Board of the National Academy of Medicine’s Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity, part of the Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge, consists of 12 international leaders from key foundations, business, government, and academia, who will oversee the project, select members of the Commission, assure integrity and conduct, assess the scientific credibility of the Commission’s work, and provide strategic guidance.


International Oversight Board Members

Victor J. Dzau
Chair, International Oversight Board
National Academy of Medicine
Jo Ann Jenkins
Vice Chair, International Oversight Board
Chief Executive Officer
Keizo Takemi
Vice Chair, International Oversight Board
Member, House of Councillors
Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer
American Heart Association
Dame Sally Davies
Trinity College, Cambridge
Terry Fulmer
The John A. Hartford Foundation
William N. Hait
Global Head
External Innovation
Johnson & Johnson
Roman Macaya Hayes
CostaRican Social Security Fund
Rahul Mehta
NuView, Inc.
Chorh Chuan Tan
Founding Executive Director
MOH Office for Healthcare
Transformation Singapore
Mary Ann Tsao
Chairwoman and Founding Director
Tsao Foundation
Edwin Walker
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging
US Department of Health and Human Services
Sir Andrew Witty (through October 2020)
Chief Executive Officer
United Kingdom

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