Webinar: Reopening Colleges and Universities During COVID-19 – Keeping Students and Communities Healthy (NAM-APHA COVID-19 Conversations Series)


Reopening Colleges and Universities During COVID-19: Keeping Students and Communities Healthy

When: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 | 5:00 – 6:30pm ET

Where: Webinar


Register to watch the webinar>>


5:00 pm | Welcome and Introductory Comments

  • Crystal Watson – Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

5:10 pm | Panel Discussion: Safely Reopening Colleges and Universities During COVID-19

  • Robert Robbins – President, University of Arizona
  • Aminta Breaux – President, Bowie State University
  • Julio Frenk – President, University of Miami
  • Eloy Ortiz Oakley – Chancellor, California Community Colleges

6:00 pm | Q&A With Audience

6:25 pm | Closing Remarks

6:30 pm | Adjourn

*Subject to change

The webinar will be recorded, and that video, as well as a transcript of the webinar and presenter slides, will be posted on our website after the event concludes.

This webinar is the eleventh in a series called “COVID-19 Conversations” hosted by the National Academy of Medicine and the American Public Health Association. Join our COVID-19 and Infectious Diseases listserv to be notified about new resources and upcoming events.

Questions? Trouble accessing the webinar? Please contact [email protected].