Webinar: COVID-19 Testing: Possibilities, Challenges, and Ensuring Equity (NAM-APHA COVID-19 Conversations Series)

COVID-19 Testing: Possibilities, Challenges, and Ensuring Equity

When: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 | 5:00 – 6:30pm ET

Where: Webinar

Access slides, transcript, and video recording >>


5:00 pm | Welcome

  • Georges C. Benjamin, MD, Executive Director, American Public Health Association

5:10 pm | Expert Panel Discussion

Moderator: David Relman, MD, Thomas C. and Joan M. Merigan Professor and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University

Overview of Diagnostic and Antibody Testing

  • Jill Taylor, PhD, Director, Wadsworth Center, New York State Public Health Department

The Role of Testing in the National Response to COVID-19

  • Ashish Jha, MD, MPH, Director, Harvard Global Health Institute, and K. T. Li Professor of Global Health, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

Ensuring Equity in Testing and Access

  • Georges C. Benjamin, MD, Executive Director, American Public Health Association

6:00 pm | Audience Q&A

6:25 pm | Concluding Remarks

6:30 pm | Adjourn

The webinar will be recorded, and that video, as well as a transcript of the webinar and presenter slides, will be posted on our website after the event concludes.

This webinar is the fifth in a series called “COVID-19 Conversations” hosted by the National Academy of Medicine and the American Public Health Association. Join our COVID-19 and Infectious Diseases listserv to be notified about new resources and upcoming events.

Questions? Trouble accessing the webinar? Please contact [email protected].