Improving Telehealth and Virtual Care for Pain Management and Substance Use Disorders Meeting 4

On June 23, 2022, the Action Collaborative on Countering the U.S. Opioid Epidemic convened more than 55 representatives across health professional groups, industry, federal agencies, advocacy groups, academia and research, payment and reimbursement, and health systems, for the fourth and final installment of the Improving Telehealth and Virtual Care for Pain Management and Substance Use Disorders. Through a combination of summative presentations and breakout group discussions, the meeting sought to provide participants the opportunity to review and reflect on the key themes to emerge from the series and discuss key priorities for action to improve telehealth and virtual care for pain management and SUD care moving forward.

Meeting materials, including the full recording of the event along with the agenda and presentations, are available below. Discussion proceedings capturing key themes and future priorities for actions gleaned from the discussion are in development and will be added to this page once available.

Learn more about this series aiming to improve telehealth and virtual care for pain management and substance use disorders >>>