DC Public Health Case Challenge Follow Up Event: Supporting Mental Health in Older Veterans

Where: Keck Center (Room 106)
Agenda >> 


This event was a follow-up to the annual DC Public Health Case Challenge, which invites undergrad and grad students at local universities to come up with proposals to address a specific DC public health problem – it is similar to a business school-style case competition. The 2015 case focused on improving the mental health of older veterans. At the event on March 4th two of the teams who competed presented again, and the presentations were followed by discussions with individuals from the DC community who reflected on themes that emerged from the teams’ case solutions. Two themes emerged from the student solutions at the 2015 case challenge event and were the focus on the discussions on March 4th: addressing social needs of veterans to promote mental health of older DC veterans, and connecting older DC veterans to service providers.

2:15: Registration
2:30-6:00: Event
6:00-7:00: Reception for all attendees

2015 DC Public Health Case Challenge Results >>

DC Public Health Case Challenge >>

For more information, contact Amy Geller:
Phone: 202-334-1599
Email: [email protected]