Conversation on Assessing Meaningful Community Engagement

Conversation on Assessing Meaningful Community Engagement

Workshop Date and Time: March 30, 2022 | 11:00-12:30pm ET
Where: Via Webinar

In order to better assess the extent, process, and impact of community engagement, the National Academy of Medicine Leadership Consortium partnered with a diverse and inclusive Organizing Committee to develop a new resource illustrating the dynamic relationship between community engagement and measurable and meaningful outcomes. This tool, called the Assessing Community Engagement Conceptual Model, demonstrates how meaningful community engagement can lead to strengthened relationships and alliances, expanded knowledge, improved health and health care programs and policies, and thriving communities – and ultimately health equity through transformed systems for health. Recognizing that a variety of systems (e.g., housing, education) ultimately influence health, it is critical that community engagement be at the center and that community engagement be measured.

During this conversation, participants:

  • discussed the relationship between community engagement, meaningful outcomes in health and health care, and transformed systems for health;
  • engaged the perspectives of Organizing Committee members on the development and potential implementation of the model;
  • described forthcoming resources to support assessing community engagement; and
  • answered questions and share reflections on the model.


Hear what experts are saying!



11:00 am ET | Community Engagement Impact Story
This session will start with an impact story demonstrating what one partnership has done to engage their community and the impact and influence of that engagement.

  • Debra Oto-Kent, Health Education Council

 11:05 am ET | Welcome & Overview
On behalf of the Organizing Committee guiding this effort and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, welcoming remarks and an overview of the agenda will be provided.

  • Ann Hwang, Harvard Medical School (Co-chair)
  • Mona Shah, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

11:15 am ET | Review of the Assessing Community Engagement Conceptual Model
Review the development and design of the conceptual model, which aims to assess the extent, process, and impact of community engagement, and highlight forthcoming products from the Organizing Committee.

  • Ayodola Anise, National Academy of Medicine

11:25 am ET | Conversation on the Implementation and Use of the Assessing Community Engagement Conceptual Model
Perspectives from Organizing Committee members on the potential uses of the conceptual model.

Moderator: Sinsi Hernández-Cancio, National Partnership for Women & Families (Co-chair)

  • Tekisha Dwan Everette, Health Equity Solutions
  • Felica Jones, Healthy African American Families II
  • J. Lloyd Michener, Duke School of Medicine
  • Nina Wallerstein, University of New Mexico

11:55 am | Q&A
Organizing Committee members will address audience reactions and questions.

Moderator: Bobby Milstein, Rethink Health

  • Maret Felzien, High Plains Research Network
  • Marita Jones, Healthy Native Communities Partnership
  • Richard Zaldivar, The Wall Las Memorias Project
  • Burt Pusch, Commonwealth Care Alliance

12:25 pm | Send-off and Closing Remarks
Concluding observations, highlighted action items, and final thanks to all invited speakers and participants.

  • Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, University of California, Davis (Co-chair)
  • Monique Shaw, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

12:30 pm | Adjourn

Read the recently published NAM Perspectives Commentary, which details how a diverse Organizing Committee composed of community leaders, researchers, and policy advisors developed the ACE-CoM.

Read the NAM Commentary

Questions or comments on the ACE-CoM? To share your reflections or questions on the conceptual model or to learn more about the NAM’s Assessing Community Engagement project, email [email protected] with the subject “Measure Engagement.”