A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age: Implications of the G20 High Level Independent Panel Report on Financing Pandemic Preparedness and Response

A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age: Implications of the G20 High Level Independent Panel Report on Financing Pandemic Preparedness and Response: A Virtual Roundtable

When:  August 5, 2021 | 10:00am ET – 12:00pm ET

Where: Webinar

Download the HLIP’s Report – A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age


Download a perfected transcript of the virtual roundtable


10:00am ET | Welcome Remarks and Meeting Objectives

  • Victor Dzau, President, National Academy of Medicine
  • Michele Barry, Consortium of Universities for Global Health Board Chair

10:05am ET | Presentation of HLIP Report Recommendations (download report)

  • Tharman Shanmugaratnam, HLIP Co-Chair; Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Singapore; Senior Minister, Singapore
  • Victor Dzau, HLIP Advisor and President, National Academy of Medicine
  • Amanda Glassman, HLIP Project Team Lead and Executive Vice President, Center for Global Development; CEO of CGD Europe; and Senior Fellow

10:30am ET | Expert Panel: Reactions to HLIP Report Recommendations

  • Moderator: Michele Barry, Consortium of Universities for Global Health Board Chair
  • Jim Yong Kim, Vice Chairman and Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners, former President of the World Bank
  • Keiji Fukuda, Director and Clinical Professor, School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
  • Jonna Mazet, UC Davis Vice Provost – Grand Challenges and Founding Executive Director of the One Health Institute
  • Bruce Gellin, Chief of Global Public Health Strategy, The Rockefeller Foundation

11:10am ET | Discussion with Panelists and Audience

  • Moderator: Michele Barry, Consortium of Universities for Global Health Board Chair

11:55am ET | Closing Remarks

  • Keith Martin, Executive Director, Consortium of Universities for Global Health

Speaker Biographies


Tharman Shanmugaratnam is Senior Minister in Singapore, having served for several years as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. He is also Coordinating Minister for Social Policies, and chairs the National Jobs Council aimed at building skills and jobs in the wake of COVID-19. He is concurrently at the helm of Singapore’s central bank and financial regulator.

Tharman co-chairs the G20 High Level Independent Panel on financing the global commons for pandemic preparedness and response. He earlier led the G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance, which in 2018 proposed reforms in development finance and the international monetary system for a more cooperative international order. He also chaired the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) at the IMF for four years; he was its first Asian chair.

He currently also co-chairs the Global Education Forum that brings together major development partners in education. In 2019 and 2020, he co-chaired the Advisory Board for the UN’s Human Development Report. Tharman also chairs the Group of Thirty, an independent council of economic and financial leaders from the public and private sectors and academia.

Tharman studied at the LSE and University of Cambridge. He later did a Master’s in Public Administration at Harvard’s Kennedy School, where he graduated with the Lucius N Littauer Fellow award.

Victor Dzau is the President of the US National Academy of Medicine (NAM).  In addition, he serves as Vice Chair of the US National Research Council.  He is Chancellor Emeritus and James B. Duke Professor of Medicine at Duke University and the past President and CEO of the Duke University Health System. Previously, Victor was the Hersey Professor of Medicine and Chairman of Medicine at Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital, as well as Bloomfield Professor and Chairman of Medicine at Stanford University.

He is an internationally acclaimed leader and physician-scientist has made a significant impact through his seminal research in cardiovascular medicine and genetics. His research laid the foundation for development of the class of lifesaving drugs known as ACE inhibitors, used globally to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. He pioneered gene therapy for vascular disease and was the first to introduce DNA decoy molecules to block transcription as gene therapy in humans. His pioneering research in cardiovascular regeneration led to the Paracrine Hypothesis of stem cell action and the therapeutic strategy of direct cardiac reprogramming.

In his role as a leader in Health, Victor has led efforts in innovation to improve Health. 5 years ago, he led the reorganization of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) into the new National Academy of Medicine. The NAM addresses health issues of critical importance; advance science and address medical, social and ethical aspects of scientific advancements in Health; and inspire the nation and the globe to coalesce around a shared priority and audacious goal to advance Health. During his tenure, Victor has designed and led important initiatives such as the Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future, Roadmap for Healthy Longevity, the International Human Gene Editing Initiative; Vital Directions for Health and Health Care; Confronting the Opioid Crisis and the Grand Challenge in Climate Change and Human Health.

Victor is active in Global Health. He launched the Duke Institute of Global Health and Duke NUS Graduate School of Medicine Singapore, founded the Division of Global Health Equity at Harvard Brigham Women’s Hospital (headed by Paul Farmer) and chairs the International Advisory Board of McGill’s School of Population and Global Health (led by Tim Evans). He serves on the board of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), is a Principal of the Global Access to COVID Tools Accelerator (ACT Accelerator), was on the board of Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) and is on the board of the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). He served on the Board of Health Governors of the World Economic Forum and chaired its Global Futures Council on Healthy Longevity and Human Enhancement.  Victor is co-chair of the Healthy Brain Global Initiative. He has launched important initiatives such as the Global Health Risk Framework (2016), the Global Health and the Future Role of the US (2017), Integrating Clinical Research into Epidemic Response: The Ebola Experience (2017); Crossing the Global Quality Chasm (2018) and the Global Grand Challenge in Healthy Longevity (2019). Three universities (McGill, Harvard Brigham and Duke) have established Global Health Lectureships in his name.

Victor has served on the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director and as Chair of the NIH Cardiovascular Disease Advisory Committee. He chairs the Steering Committee of the NIH Progenitor Cell Translational Consortium. He serves on the board of Imperial College Health Partners of UK, Health and Biomedical Sciences Council of Singapore, Chairs International Science Advisory Committee of the Qatar Precision Medicine Institute, Chairs the Scientific Boards of the Peter Munk Cardiac Center of University of Toronto and Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences of University of Glasgow.

Among his many honors and recognitions are the Gustav Nylin Medal from the Swedish Royal College of Medicine, the Research Achievement Award from the American Heart Association, the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the Poulzer Prize of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Henry Freisen International Prize.  He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Academia Sinica and European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He was made an Honorary Citizen of Singapore, the highest honor conferred to an individual. He has received 16 honorary doctorates.

Amanda Glassman is executive vice president and senior fellow at the Center for Global Development and also serves as chief executive officer of CGD Europe. Her research focuses on priority-setting, resource allocation and value for money in global Health, as well as data for development. Prior to her current position, she served as director for global health policy at the Center from 2010 to 2016, and has more than 25 years of experience working on health and social protection policy and programs in Latin America and elsewhere in the developing world. Prior to joining CGD, Glassman was principal technical lead for Health at the Inter-American Development Bank, where she led policy dialogue with member countries, designed the results-based grant program Salud Mesoamerica 2015 and served as team leader for conditional cash transfer programs such as Mexico’s Oportunidades and Colombia’s Familias en Accion. From 2005-2007, Glassman was deputy director of the Global Health Financing Initiative at Brookings and carried out policy research on aid effectiveness and domestic financing issues in the health sector in low-income countries. Before joining the Brookings Institution, Glassman designed, supervised and evaluated health and social protection loans at the Inter-American Development Bank and worked as a Population Reference Bureau Fellow at the US Agency for International Development. Glassman holds a MSc from the Harvard School of Public Health and a BA from Brown University, has published on a wide range of Health and social protection finance and policy topics, and is editor and coauthor of the books What’s In, What’s Out: Designing Benefits for Universal Health Coverage (Center for Global Development, 2017), Millions Saved: New Cases of Proven Success in Global Health (Center for Global Development 2016), From Few to Many: A Decade of Health Insurance Expansion in Colombia (IDB and Brookings 2010), and The Health of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (World Bank 2001).

Michele Barry is Professor of Medicine and Tropical Diseases at Stanford University. She is the Director of the Center for Innovation in Global Health and Senior Associate Dean for Global Health. She is also a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute and the Woods Institute for Environmental Studies. As one of the co-founders of the Stanford/Yale Johnson and Johnson Global Health Scholar Award program, she has sent over 2000 physicians overseas to underserved areas to help strengthen health infrastructure in low resource settings.  As a past President of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), she led an educational initiative in tropical medicine and travelers health which culminated in diploma courses in tropical medicine as well as a U.S. certification exam.  She is the founder of WomenLift Health, a transformative leadership program for women in global health. Dr. Barry is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine,The Academy of Arts and Science and The Council for Foreign Relations. She has been selected for Best Doctors in America and currently sits on the NAM Board on Global Health. She is the current Chair of the Board of Directors for the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) and is a recipient of the Ben Kean Medal given every three years by the ASTMH to the outstanding tropical disease educator in the U.S.. Lastly she has been a recipient of AMWA’s highest award – the Elizabeth Blackwell award for mentoring women in the U.S. towards careers in the field of medicine.

Jim Yong Kim is Vice Chairman and Partner at Global Infrastructure Partners, a fund that invests in infrastructure projects across several sectors around the world.

From July 2012 to February 2019, Kim served as the 12th President of the World Bank Group. Soon after he assumed that position, the organization established two goals to guide its work: to end extreme poverty by 2030; and to boost shared prosperity, focusing on the bottom 40 percent of the population in developing countries.

During Kim’s tenure, the World Bank Group supported the development priorities of countries at levels never seen outside of a financial crisis. Along with partners, the World Bank achieved two successive, record replenishments of the International Development Association (IDA), the institution’s fund for the poorest countries, which has enabled the Bank to greatly increase its work in areas suffering from fragility, conflict, and violence.

In 2018, the World Bank Group’s shareholders approved a historic capital increase for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which offers sovereign loans to middle-income countries, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Bank Group’s private sector arm. The capital increase will allow the Bank Group to help countries reach their development goals while responding to crises such as climate change, pandemics, fragility, and underinvestment in human capital around the world.

The World Bank Group also launched several innovative financial instruments, including facilities to address infrastructure needs, prevent pandemics, and help the millions of people forcibly displaced from their homes by climate shocks, conflict, and violence. The Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) made its first cash grant in 2018 to support frontline Ebola response efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As of January 2019, the Bank Group is working with the United Nations and leading technology companies to implement the Famine Action Mechanism, which uses technology such as artificial intelligence to detect warning signs earlier and prevent famines before they begin.

A physician and anthropologist, Kim’s career has revolved around Health, education, and improving the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable. He was born in South Korea to parents who had fled the violence of the Korean War and grew up in Iowa, where his father was a practicing dentist and his mother was a philosopher and theologian. Kim graduated from Brown University, then became one of the first students to study jointly for a medical degree from Harvard Medical School and a PhD in anthropology at Harvard University.

While at Harvard, Kim co-founded Partners In Health, a non-profit medical organization that provides healthcare to poor communities on four continents. With Partners In Health, Kim developed treatment programs for complex, deadly diseases such as multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and AIDS in the poorest areas of Haiti, Peru, and several other countries. From 2003 to 2005, Kim served as Director of the World Health Organization’s HIV/AIDS department. He led WHO’s “3 by 5” initiative, the first-ever global goal for AIDS treatment, which greatly expanded access to antiretroviral medication in developing countries.

Following his service at WHO, Kim was Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Chief of the Division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Director of the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard School of Public Health. In 2009, he was named the 17th President of Dartmouth College, where he served until he was nominated by President Barack Obama to lead the World Bank Group. Kim was the first leader of the Bank Group who did not come from the financial or political sectors and the first who had personal experience tackling development issues in poor countries.

Kim holds a BA from Brown University, and an MD and PhD in medical anthropology from Harvard University. He received a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship, was recognized as one of America’s “25 Best Leaders” by US News & World Report, and was named one of TIME magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World.”

Keiji Fukuda is Director and Clinical Professor at The University of Hong Kong School of Public Health. He previously worked at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva as the Assistant Director-General (ADG) for Health Security, as the Special Adviser to the Director General for pandemic influenza and for antimicrobial resistance and as Director of the Global Influenza Program. Before that, he worked at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the Epidemiology Chief, Influenza Branch. At CDC, he led the first CDC field teams that investigated the emergence of influenza H5N1 in Hong Kong in 1997 and worked under WHO in China on the emergence and control of SARS in 2003. He oversaw CDC’s national influenza disease surveillance and contributed to US influenza vaccination guidelines and pandemic preparedness. At WHO, as ADG, he was responsible for WHO’s global response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, for implementation of the International Health Regulations and the global influenza surveillance network and the influenza vaccine strain selection process. He led several field missions related to MERS in Saudi Arabia and Korea, Ebola in West Africa in 2014 and H5N1 in Egypt and was WHO’s technical lead on negotiations related to the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP F), the Global Health Security Agenda and antimicrobial resistance. He currently advises the Hong Kong Government on its COVID-19 response and vaccine related matters. He was a member of the Forum on Microbial Threats of the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and received his BA from Oberlin College (1978), MD from the University of Vermont (1984), MPH from the University of California, Berkeley (1989) and EIS training at CDC.

Jonna Mazet is a Professor of Epidemiology and Disease Ecology at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and Founding Executive Director of the UC Davis One Health Institute. Her work focuses on global health problem solving for emerging infectious diseases and conservation challenges. She is active in international One Health education, service, and research programs, most notably in relation to pathogen emergence; disease transmission among wildlife, domestic animals, and people; and the ecological drivers of novel disease dynamics.

Currently, Dr. Mazet is the Co-Director of the US Agency for International Development’s One Health Workforce – Next Generation, an $85 million educational strengthening project to empower professionals in Central/East Africa and Southeast Asia to address complex and emerging health threats, including antimicrobial resistance and zoonotic diseases. She is the Principal Investigator of and served as the Global Director of PREDICT Project for 10 years, a greater than $200 million viral emergence early warning project under USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats Division. PREDICT served as an early-warning system-strengthening effort aimed at finding emerging viruses before they spread to humans. Since 2009, PREDICT has empowered partners in over 30 countries to deploy a One Health approach for zoonotic disease prevention, detection, and response, including supporting 60 laboratories in the world’s most risky areas for spillover to be able to do virus discovery. Our teams have collected and tested samples from over 164,000 animals and people and detected almost 1,200 potentially zoonotic viruses, among them 160 novel coronaviruses, including multiple SARS- and MERS-like coronaviruses. PREDICT provided the proof-of-concept for the Global Virome Project, for which Mazet serves on the board of directors.

She was elected to the US National Academy of Medicine in 2013 in recognition of her successful and innovative approach to emerging environmental and global health threats and serves on the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Microbial Threats and chairs the Academies’ One Health Action Collaborative. She was appointed to the National Academies Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases and 21st Century Health Threats, which was created to assist the federal government with critical science and policy issues related to the COVID-19 crisis and other emerging health threats.

Bruce Gellin is the Chief of Global Public Health Strategy for The Rockefeller Foundation’s pandemic prevention institute. In this role, he advances the development and execution of the strategic vision for global public health and pandemic prevention work. He is a key member of the team building a pandemic prevention institute that aims to avert future pandemics by identifying and responding to the earliest alerts of a disease outbreak and stopping it in the first 100 days.

One of the world’s premier vaccine and infectious disease experts, Dr. Gellin brings extensive experience and expertise in global public health to his role at the Foundation. Previously, Dr. Gellin served as Warren Weaver Fellow at the Foundation from 1991-1992, working on several projects including the launch of the Children’s Vaccine Initiative to ensure children throughout the world are immunized. Throughout his distinguished career, he has held numerous positions leading and advising on global immunization, strategic policy development, and pandemic preparedness and response at national, multinational, non-governmental, and institutional organizations and entities.

He has led key federal vaccine initiatives, including developing the National Vaccine Plan at HHS, creating the HHS’s first pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan, and representing the U.S. government on the research and development focus of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration. He continues to carry this work forward as a member of the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine Consensus Study on Global Influenza Vaccination Coordination.

At a global level, he has consulted as a technical expert to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and serves as a key advisor to the WHO on global immunization and vaccination. His work with the WHO includes advising on influenza vaccines and vaccine hesitancy issues, chairing the WHO’s Global Action Plan for Influenza Vaccines Advisory Group, and serving as a member of both the WHO Expert Advisory Group on SAGE Evaluation and the WHO Working Group on Influenza Preparedness and Response.

Dr. Gellin has spent decades driving forward critical work to protect the lives of millions across the country and globe from the threat of infectious diseases through effective, equitable vaccination and immunization strategies. Most recently, he served as the inaugural President of Global Immunization at the Sabin Vaccine Institute and is currently a member of the COVAX Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group.


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