A Century After the 1918 Flu Pandemic: Why Are We Still Concerned Today?

A century after the 1918 flu pandemic wiped out more than 50 million people worldwide, is society still at risk? Join the National Academy of Medicine and the Forum on Microbial Threats for a timely discussion of how we can prepare for the next flu pandemic and prevent a global catastrophe. This free public event will highlight progress in science, public health, global governance, and cross-sectoral alliances for pandemic flu preparedness.

Stay after the discussion for a cocktail reception and to tour a one-night-only exhibit exploring lessons from past infectious disease outbreaks and strategies for preparing for the next pandemic.


2:00 | Welcome
Victor J. Dzau, National Academy of Medicine

2:10 | Opening Remarks
Keiji Fukuda, The University of Hong Kong

2:20 | Keynote: From the 1918 Influenza Pandemic to 2009 H1N1 Pandemic to Now: Is the World Ready to Respond to the Next Outbreak?
Laurie Garrett, Anthropos Initiative

Audience Q&A

3:00 | Panel Discussion on Global Progress to Prepare for the Next Influenza Pandemic
Moderator: Suzet McKinney, Illinois Medical District
Anthony Fauci, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
David Fidler, Indiana University Bloomington
Jackie Katz, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Yoshihiro Kawaoka, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Audience Q&A

5:00 | Cocktail Reception & Exhibit

7:00 | Adjourn

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   Tweet this! | The 1918 #flu pandemic killed more than 50 million people worldwide. Are we ready for the next one? Join @theNAMedicine & @NASEM_Health #MicrobialThreats Nov 26 in DC: https://bit.ly/2JaHPUE

   Tweet this! | How should we prepare for the next #flu pandemic? Join @Laurie_Garrett, Tony Fauci, @VictorDzau & other experts for a free public event Nov 26 in DC hosted by @theNAMedicine & @NASEM_Health #MicrobialThreats: https://bit.ly/2JaHPUE