2022 Healthy Longevity Global Innovator Summit

2022 Healthy Longevity Global Competition Innovator Summit

Summit Date and Time:
Sep 26, 2022 | 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM EDT
Sep 27, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 12:45 PM EDT
Where: Via webcast

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) held its second annual Healthy Longevity Global Innovator Summit on September 26-27, 2022. The Summit was virtual, open to the public, and aimed to convene, connect, and inspire current and past Healthy Longevity Catalyst and Accelerator Awardees from around the world. In addition, the event sought to give the public an inside look at the NAM’s Healthy Longevity Global Competition.

Recordings, speaker bios, public announcements, and more from the event are now available to view on demand


Day 1 | September 26

8:00 am ET | Welcome Remarks 

  • Victor Dzau, President, US National Academy of Medicine

Including brief video remarks from:

  • William Hait, Executive Vice President, Chief External Innovation, Medical Safety, Johnson & Johnson External Innovation

 8:25 am ET | Importance of Partnerships for Fostering Innovation in Healthy Longevity

Global leadership from government, corporate, and philanthropic sectors discuss the importance of multi-sectoral partnerships to drive innovation in healthy longevity and simultaneously advance health equity.

Moderator: Joon Yun, President and Managing Partner, Palo Alto Investors

  • Ann Aerts, M.D., Head, Novartis Foundation
  • Mehmood Khan, M.D., CEO, Hevolution Foundation
  • Martine Rothblatt, Ph.D., J.D., CEO, United Therapeutics Corporation

9:50 am ET | Breakout Session 1: MEET THE INNOVATORS

Six concurrent breakout sessions lead by international Catalyst Awardees serving in moderator and speaker roles. Each breakout “room” will be facilitated by a moderator and feature approximately 4 Catalyst Awardees. Each awardee will reflect on their innovation journey, speaking to their background, how they developed and advanced their Catalyst Award-winning idea, challenges encountered, and successes experienced. 

10:55 am ET | Keynote Address: Vision for Preemptive Health

Dr. Afeyan will speak to his vision of preemptive health and medicine, a critical aspect of ensuring healthy longevity worldwide. As a role model, Dr. Afeyan will also inspire attendees, speaking to his experience co-founding Moderna and other companies, and in general his support for innovative work to improve health throughout the lifespan.

Moderator: Victor Dzau, President, US National Academy of Medicine

  • Noubar Afeyan, Founder and CEO, Flagship Pioneering

11:45 am ET | User-Centered Design & Older Adults as Drivers of Innovation: A Discussion with Catalyst Award Winners

Moderator: Liz Salmi, Communications & Patient Initiatives Director, OpenNotes, Division of General Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

  • Alparslan Emrah Bayrak, Stevens Institute of Technology [sponsored by NAM]
    Project: A multi-sensor wearable system with a personalized AI and multimodal biofeedback to improve balance of older adults at home
  • Yi-Chien Liu, Cardinal Tien Hospital [sponsored by Academia Sinica of Taiwan]
    Project: Connected speech analysis in elderly population
  • Marcos Zúñiga, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María [sponsored by the National Agency for Research and Development of Chile]
    Project: Integral telehealth solution for elderly care, integrating videoconferencing and automatic detection of vital signs through artificial vision
  • Sarah Campbell, Play Well For Life [sponsored by UK Research & Innovation]
    Project: Storytelling games for social connection and reminiscing by older people
  • Victor Ok Li, University of Hong Kong [sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University]
    Project: A Directed Graph Neural Network-based Drug-Repurposing Approach to Identify a Lead Combination of Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease

12:30 pm | Adjourn


Day 2 | September 27

9:00 am ET | Announcement & Spotlight: 2022 NAM Healthy Longevity QuickFire Challenge Awardees

  • Sally Allain, Regional Head, JLABS @ Washington, DC and Interim Head, JLABS @ NorthEast – Johnson & Johnson Innovation
  • Michele Toplitz, Program Director, Healthy Longevity Global Competition, National Academy of Medicine
  • 2022 NAM Healthy Longevity QuickFire Challenge Awardees

 9:55 am ET | Breakout Session 2: CONNECT WITH ROLE MODELS

Five concurrent breakout sessions lead by a diverse set of role model discussants with expertise and experience in a range of sectors and professional roles. In each breakout “room,” the role model discussant will speak to their career trajectory and engage Catalyst Awardees in a small-group discussion about the innovators’ own work, gaps in the field, challenges, and other relevant topics of interest to the awardees. Breakout room assignments will be made based on Catalyst Awardees’ general preferences indicated in a pre-Summit survey.

  1. Poppy Crum, Chief Technology Officer, NextSense, Inc. & Adjunct Professor, Stanford University [neuroscience & tech]
  2. Thomas Kalil, Chief Innovation Officer, Schmidt Futures[innovation, science, policy, geroscience]
  3. Davis Masten, Aging Explorer, Drop Dead Happy & Distinguished Media Scholar, MediaX, Stanford University [design research, communications, entrepreneur]
  4. David Rhew, Global Chief Medical Officer & VP of Healthcare, Microsoft [clinical medicine + computer science]

11:00 am ET | Securing Funding throughout the Project Life Cycle (PANEL)

This panel includes an array of sponsors and other stakeholders who will speak to their own background/trajectory and/or knowledge of supports at various stages of the project lifecycle, from the idea stage through commercialization. Panelists will provide remarks from government, corporate, and venture capital perspectives.

Moderator and panelist: Robert Kocher, Partner, Venrock

  • Minki Chatterji, Program Officer, and Laura Major, Senior Health Specialist, National Institute on Aging, U.S. National Institutes of Health
  • Mark Armitage, Senior Director, Global Government Grants Office, Johnson and Johnson
  • Kurt Holler, Director of Business Creation, EIT Health
  • Ian Johnston, Senior Associate at The Engine

12:15 pm ET | Catalyst Announcements & Summit Wrap Up

This final session will kick off with the premiere of an inspirational video featuring a number of the international Catalyst Awardees to date. NAM President Victor Dzau will then provide an overview of the 2022 Catalyst Award winners as well as announce an exciting update regarding the Healthy Longevity Global Competition heading into 2023 and beyond.

  • Victor Dzau, President, US National Academy of Medicine

12:45 pm | Adjourn