Vital Signs Core Metrics: Learning from the California Demonstration Project (Webinar)

This webinar is intended to highlight the process and the results of the California Vital Signs Demonstration Project which implements Vital Signs at the community level and discuss challenges and opportunities. Key questions include:

  1. What are key drivers of feasibility and value of using Vital Signs at a community level?
  2. What are potential challenges of implementing Vital Signs?
  3. How can the Vital Signs framework support local and state-level population health goals? [space height=”10″]

Using lessons learned from the California Vital Signs demonstration, participants will identify opportunities and next steps to facilitate stakeholder progress in the spread and scale of Core Metrics implementation.


Michael McGinnis, National Academy of Medicine
Claire Wang, National Academy of Medicine
Steven Teutsch & Sue Grinnell, Public Health Institute
Krista Hanni, Monterey County Health Department
Genoveva Islas, Cultiva La Salud, Fresno, CA
Peter Long, Blue Shield California Foundation
Elizabeth Mitchell, Network for Regional Health Improvement
Alina Baciu, NASEM, Population Health Roundtable

To view the full agenda, please click here.