Population Health
by Jenna Ogilvie | Oct 31, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
Health equity, the attainment of the highest level of health for all people, is yet to be realized for many populations in the United States. Health equity focuses on diseases and health care services, but is also broadly linked to social determinants, such as...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Oct 24, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
Our perspective is grounded in the proposition that health equity should be central or more significant than any other concern, principle, criterion, or value when prioritizing a national scientific agenda, setting care goals, organizing research and...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 19, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
About the Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Series This publication is part of the National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative, which commissioned expert papers on 19 priority focus areas for U.S. health policy by...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 19, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
About the Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Series This publication is part of the National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative, which commissioned expert papers on 19 priority focus areas for U.S. health policy by...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 19, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
About the Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Series This publication is part of the National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative, which commissioned expert papers on 19 priority focus areas for U.S. health...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 19, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
About the Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Series This publication is part of the National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative, which commissioned expert papers on 19 priority focus areas for U.S. health policy by...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 19, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
About the Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Series This publication is part of the National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative, which commissioned expert papers on 19 priority focus areas for U.S. health policy by...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 16, 2016 | Commentary, Perspectives
“Plugging the voice of community into the right kind of political power grid will do more to create health and wellness than any other single intervention.” – (The California Endowment) The phrase “democratizing health care” is gaining popularity in...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 8, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
*The views presented here are those of the authors and do not represent those of any state or federal agency or the US government. Background Homelessness is a major issue in the United States. Among adults, military veterans are at increased risk (Donovan and...
by Jenna Ogilvie | Sep 1, 2016 | Discussion Paper, Perspectives
Background The transformation of the U.S. health care delivery system is under way. As health care providers and community-based partners recognize the impact of the multifaceted determinants of health that extend beyond the clinical setting, there is an “opportunity...
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