Health Levers Across the Life Course

With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the National Academy of Medicine and Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education held two expert meetings to identify a set of activities to design a longitudinal birth cohort study across the life course. These meetings drew on The National Children’s Study 2014: An Assessment, which was a joint project of the Committee on National Statistics and the Board on Children, Youth, and Families. In addition to engaging a diverse array of stakeholders from academia, philanthropy, local communities, industry, and government, the meetings included discussions on how to design a national longitudinal cohort study that is multidisciplinary, focuses on the main drivers of health, engages communities, employs a diverse set of data sources, and includes innovative techniques in data analysis. The discussions included how to use the findings from such a study to improve and direct resources toward improvements in the drivers of health. The final product is a set of National Academy of Medicine Perspectives papers. The goal is to provide input into, and catalyze action for improvements in the design of future longitudinal birth cohort studies.

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