Birth to Age 8 Workforce: State Pathways to Implementation

The 2015 Institute of Medicine report Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation provided a blueprint for action to advance the early care and education workforce with a set of recommendations directed to stakeholders at local, state, and national levels. To facilitate implementation of the recommendations at the state level, the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM’s) Innovation to Incubation program launched the B8 State Pathways to Implementation Project. Through this project, the NAM acts as a neutral convener for stakeholders interested in discussing the report’s recommendations and developing independent implementation plans.

Truncated Report Recommendations >> 

As participants in the B8 State Pathways to Implementation Project, self-assembled state “teams” meet regularly over a period of 9 months to discuss challenges and opportunities for implementing the report’s recommendations in their specific state contexts. Participants learn from each other and from experts in the field to inform the development of tailored state action plans and generate strategies for stakeholder engagement. (Please note: Action plans and/or strategies resulting from this activity are the sole property of the individual participants and will not be published by the NAM. Action plans and/or strategies are not endorsed by and do not necessarily reflect the views of the participants’ organizations, the NAM, or the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.)

So far, ten state and regional teams have participated in the B8 State Pathways to Implementation Project: California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, Virginia, Washington State, and a regional team representing Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC. To learn more about this work, download our program logic model.

For more information about the project, including how your state can participate, contact project director Ivory Clarke at

The B8 State Pathways to Implementation Project is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Buffett Early Childhood Institute, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Early Milestones Colorado, the Joyce Foundation, the McCormick Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, the Washington Area Women’s Foundation’s Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative, and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.

Video Overview of Report Recommendations and State Team Work

The following presentation provides an overview of the recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s consensus report: Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation. This presentation also provides an overview of the National Academy of Medicine’s Innovation to Incubation program and its work with states on implementing recommendations from the Institute of Medicine report. 

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