The Culture of Health Program

Everyone in this country deserves the opportunity to be healthy and reach their full potential no matter who they are or where they live.

About the Program

The National Academy of Medicine’s Culture of Health Program, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is a multiyear collaborative effort to identify strategies to create and sustain conditions that support good health for everyone in America. The program focuses on four approaches that build upon and reinforce each other:


  • Understand: building, informing, and elevating the evidence base, including evidence from lived experience
  • Translate: communicating the evidence in a timely and culturally appropriate manner to bring understanding of the strongest science to those working in this field
  • Engage: ensuring that key stakeholders working at every level are provided the evidence-related tools they need to ensure their effectiveness
  • Learn: learning in real time from our activities to ensure effective evaluation and metrics of impact


Amy Gyau-Moyer, Director, Senior Program Officer
Kimber Bogard, 
Deputy Executive Officer
Jessica Covington,
Assistant to the Deputy Executive Officer
Anita Desikan, Program Officer
Katherine Foster,
Senior Program Assistant
Samantha Phillips,
Communications Officer
Elisabeth Solomon,
Research Assistant
Shaneah Taylor,
Deputy Director of Programs


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Advisory Committee

Want to get involved? Building a culture of health requires the involvement of many stakeholders. To learn more about the NAM’s Culture of Health Program, contact You can also join our mailing list for program updates.

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