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In the face of the unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying global public health emergency, the National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience is giving its attention to this issue.
Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, many clinicians already faced burnout, as well as stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and even suicidality. Now this crisis is presenting clinicians with even greater workplace hardships and moral dilemmas that are very likely to exacerbate existing levels of burnout and related mental health problems.
The following resources offer more information on how to support the health and well-being of clinicians during public health emergencies, including the COVID-19 response.
The NAM continues to stand with health workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us in uniting the health workforce to optimize well-being, and develop actionable strategies to retain clinicians >>
Featured Resources
- View Supporting Clinician Well-Being During COVID-19 Webinar event page
- Read LA Times op-ed by Collaborative Chair
- View NAM report resources for leaders
- Read NAM Perspectives Commentary
- Read NEJM Perspective by Collaborative Co-Chairs
- View National Academies’ Weaving Humanities and Arts into the Fabric of Medicine event page
Resources to Support the Health and Well-Being of Clinicians During COVID-19 by Source
Global Health Organizations
World Health Organization
Fatigue (pgs. 47-50)
Psychosocial stress during outbreaks and emergencies (pgs. 50-55)
Personal protective equipment (pg. 100)
U.S. Government Agencies
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Managing Fatigue During Times of Crisis: Guidance for Nurses, Managers, and Other Healthcare Workers
Guidance for employers on the protection of workers from COVID-19
Highlights resources available for the protection of workers in business, health care, laboratory, and transportation settings
Includes information on infection control and personal protective equipment in healthcare and non-healthcare settings
Resources for Emergency Responders
Long work hours, and fatigue training for emergency responders
Emergency responder health monitoring and surveillance
The Physiological Burden of Prolonged PPE Use on Healthcare Workers during Long Shifts
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Disease 2019
Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19
Emergency Responders: Tips for taking care of yourself
U.S Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
Webinar Series: Workforce Grand Rounds – Combating Healthcare Provider Burnout in Clinical Settings (Presentation Slides)
Webinar: Health Center Program Updates (Presentation Slides)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health During an Infectious Disease Outbreak
Preventing and Managing Stress: Tips for Disaster Responders
Understanding Compassion Fatigue: Tips for Disaster Responders
Returning to Work: Tips for Disaster Responders
Helping Staff Manage Stress When Returning to Work
Tips for Survivors: Coping with Grief After a Disaster or Traumatic Event
Disaster Distress Helpline (brochure)
SAMHSA Disaster App (including help for survivors of infectious disease epidemics)
SAMHSA Disaster App YouTube video
Disaster Behavioral Health Preparedness and Response Resources
Identifying Substance Misuse in the Responder Community
Having Trouble Coping After a Disaster? Talk With Us. Disaster Distress Helpline Wallet Card.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health
Shareable Resources on Coping with COVID-19
Video: Five Things About Staying Mentally Healthy During the COVID-19 Outbreak
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Library of Medicine
LitCovid Literature Hub (Note: Search “well-being,” “wellbeing,” “wellness,” “burnout”)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Resilience Resources for Emergency Response
U.S. Department of Defense, Military Health System, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
COVID-19 Pandemic Response Resources
Fight COVID-19 with Better Sleep Health: A Guide for Hospital Workers
Supporting Families of Healthcare Workers Exposed to COVID-19
Notifying Families After a COVID-19 Death
Grief Leadership During COVID-19
Coronavirus Preparedness & Response: Critical Elements for Business Planning
Associations and Organizations
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
Webinar: Continuing Education in Action: Strategies for Accredited Providers in Challenging Times (Download Webinar Slides)
Coronavirus Resources Submission Form
Learn to Vaccinate: CE Clinician Resources
Learn to Vaccinate: Clinician and Educator Resources
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
ACGME Honors the Sacrifices of Frontline Caregivers
Podcast: ACGME AWARE Well-Being Podcasts – Well-Being in the Time of COVID-19
ACGME Statement on the Shortage of Personal Protective Equipment
Guidebook for Promoting Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
ACGME Response to Pandemic Crisis
American Academy of Pediatrics
Resilience in Stressful Times and Connecting During Times of Trauma
American Academy of Physician Assistants
PA Andrea Lowe: Pandemic is a marathon, not a sprint
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
AACN Position Statement: Moral Distress in Times of Crisis
AACN Position Statement: Ethical Triage and End-of-Life Care
Stress, Resilience and COVID-19
Facing Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Crisis
Shifting Ethics in a Crisis: Responding to COVID-19
Storytelling Project with
Lack of PPE Poses Clear and Present Danger to Nurses and the Nation
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
Coronavirus Resources For Nurse Educators
American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
American College of Emergency Physicians
Joint Statement on Supporting Clinician Health in the Post-COVID Pandemic Era
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Call on Congress to Protect Health Care Workers and First Responders from COVID-19
Webinar: Protecting Health Care Workers – Lessons Learned from Taiwan and Italy
American College of Physicians
COVID-19: An ACP Physician’s Guide and Resources
Webinar: COVID-19: Practical Advice and Support from Internists on the Front Lines
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Information for Internists
COVID-19 Telehealth Coding and Billing Information
American Council on Education
Webinar: Managing Well-Being During the COVID-19 Crisis (Note: Must create an account to view)
American Dental Education Association
A Pandemic Resource Guide for Dental Education (includes well-being and resiliency resources, Section X)
American Hospital Association
COVID-19: Stress and Coping Resources
American Medical Association
Caring for Our Caregivers During COVID-19
Coping with COVID-19 for Caregivers – Monitoring Survey
Caring for the Healthcare Workforce Steps Forward module
Quick Guide to Telemedicine in Practice (includes billing information)
Professional Satisfaction & Practice Sustainability Webinar Series
American Nurses Association
COVID-19 Survey Responses: Find Out What 32,000 Nurses Want You to Know About Treating COVID-19
Nurse Suicide Prevention/Resilience
American Organization for Nursing Leadership
Leading Through Crisis: A Resource Compendium for Nurse Leaders
American Psychiatric Association
Coronavirus and Mental Health: Taking Care of Ourselves During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
American Psychological Association
Recovering Emotionally from Disaster
American Student Dental Association
Dental Student Resources on Health and Wellness
American Society of Health System Pharmacists
Webinar: Caring for the Pharmacy Workforce During COVID-19 (Presentation Slide Deck)
Antares Foundation
Managing Stress in Humanitarian Workers: Guidelines for Good Practice
Association of American Medical Colleges
Coping with Sickness and Stress
Doctors forgo mental health care during pandemic over concerns about licensing, stigma
Webinar: Preventing a Parallel Pandemic
Chaplaincy Innovation Lab
Resources for Chaplains During COVID-19
Coalition for Physician Accountability
Safeguard the Public, Protect our Health Care Workforce during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Disaster Responder Assets Network
Online Support Groups for Healthcare Professionals
International Society for Quality in Health Care
Webinar: Human Factors Systems Approach and the COVID-19 Healthcare Crisis
Mental Health America
Information and resources for Mental Health Providers
MissingLogic, LLC
Webinars: Rising Up Above the Crisis As a Resilient Healthcare Leader
National Alliance on Mental Illness
COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide
National League of Nursing
Tips and Advice for Protecting Yourselves, Your Students, and Your Program
National Student Response Network
Organizing and Mobilizing Health Students to Tackle COVID-19
Online MSW Programs
A Guide to Understanding and Coping with Compassion Fatigue
Physicians for Human Rights
Health Workers’ Voices and Safety Must Be Protected
Press Ganey
COVID-19 Caregiver Collaborative: Supporting Clinician Well-Being During COVID-19
Resources to Support COVID-19 Efforts
Sigma Theta Tau International
Sustainability and Outcomes of a Suicide Prevention Program for Nurses
Springer Publishing Company Connect
Empowerment Strategies for Nurses – Chapter 11: Maintaining Your Resilience
Webinars: Surgeon Wellness During COVID-19 Community Focus Group
The Joint Commision
Webinar: COVID-19 Health Care Staff Trauma and Resilience Oriented Healing
The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare
Resources for Healthcare Professionals Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic
Compassion in Action Webinar Series
Health Care Providers and Schools of Health Professions
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Lessons from a different war for preventing moral injury among clinicians treating COVID-19
The COVID-19 Resilience Marathon
COVID-19 Crisis Mode: Building Resilience – Strategies for Leaders and Managers Infographic
Columbia University
Public and Private Health Systems Must Change
Columbia University Department of Psychiatry and AllenComm
Managing Anxiety and Stress in the Time of COVID-19
Emory University
Course: Cultivating Our Best Selves in Response to COVID-19 (CNE activity: 1.0 contact hour by the Emory Nursing Professional Development Center)
Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine
Video: Quick Tip for Healthcare Providers – Defusing on Shift
Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies
How to Support Nurses and Health Care Workers During COVID-19
Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital
Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai
System-Wide Well-Being Staff Resources During COVID-19
#REVAMP_CoV2: REVAMPing COVID-19 Individual and Community Well-Being and Resilience Campaign, initiated by medical trainees for health professionals
A hashtag (#REVAMP_CoV2) for social media, to share stories of positivity, gratitude, awe, and the inspiring acts that are happening all around us
An Instagram account (@REVAMP_CoV2) for updates, tagging, building community, a place to turn to seek advice or wisdom on how to be well during this time
A Facebook page (Revamp_CoV2) for all of the above
Pandemic Workforce Well-Being: A Comprehensive Toolkit For Supporting Our Own During COVID-19
John Hopkins University
Video: Worst Case Scenarios: COVID-19, Ethics, and Triage
WIKI Wisdom Frontline Nurses Forum
Resources for frontline clinicians
Q&A: In Fight Against COVID-19, Nurses Face High-Stakes Decisions, Moral Distress
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Psychological PPE: Enhancing Resilience in the Face of Crisis
Northwestern University
Strategies for Coping with Isolation and Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Online MSW Programs
A Guide to Understanding and Coping with Compassion Fatigue
Physician Support Line
Physician Support Line Service
Purdue Global University
Stress Management for Health Care Workers: Real Tips on How to Destress
Rush University System for Health
Creating Wellness in a Pandemic: A Practical Toolkit for Health Systems Responding to COVID-19
Five wellness task force tactics designed to prioritize physician health
The Ohio State University, Office of the Chief Wellness Officer
Staying Calm and Well in the Midst of the COVID-19 Storm Webinar Series
Coping with COVID-19 Resources
Well-Being Hub for Travel Nurses during the COVID-19 crisis
University of North Carolina Department of Psychiatry
Webinar: Mental Health and Well-Being Survival Guide for COVID-19
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
University of Portland School of Nursing
University of Utah Health Hospitals and Clinics
Coronavirus Employee Well-Being Resources
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Peer-Reviewed Journals, Textbooks, and Trade Press
Annals of Internal Medicine
Supporting Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cambridge University Press, Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry
Chapter – “Pandemics: Health Care Emergencies”
Disaster Prevention and Management
Evaluation of an organization-based psychological first aid intervention
Health Affairs
Health Workers in Crisis – Efforts Toward Normalizing A Sustainable Workplace Culture
Supporting the Health Care Workforce During the COVID-19 Global Epidemic
Older Clinicians and the Surge in Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 and Physical Distancing
Rethinking Wellness in Health Care Amid Rising COVID-19 Associated Emotional Distress
Journal of Hospital Medicine
When Grief and Crises Intersect: Perspectives of a Black Physician in the Time of Two Pandemics
Journal of Medical Regulation
Update on the UC San Diego Healer Education Assessment and Referral (HEAR) Program
NEJM Catalyst
Creating Wellness in a Pandemic: A Practical Framework for Health Systems Responding to COVID-19
Physician Burnout, Interrupted
New York Magazine
Medical Workers’ Looming Mental-Health Crisis
New York Times
A Parallel Pandemic Hits Health Care Workers: Trauma and Exhaustion
‘I Can’t Turn My Brain Off’: PTSD and Burnout Threaten Medical Workers
Opinion: I’m a Health Care Worker. You Need to Know How Close We Are to Breaking.
‘I Couldn’t Do Anything’: The Virus and an E.R. Doctor’s Suicide
Psychiatric Times
The Role of Psychiatrists During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Police Brutality, COVID-19 and Racism take Heavy Toll on Black Mental Health
Science Magazine
Health care workers seek to flatten COVID-19’s ‘second curve’ – their rising mental anguish
Ted Talks
The mental health benefits of storytelling for health care workers
Podcast: Coping with COVID – Part 1 | Part 2
U.S. News & World Report
Addressing Burnout Among the Nation’s Front-Line Health Care Professionals
Washington Post
Some fear COVID-19’s emotional trauma will have lasting effects for health-care workers
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing
We will continue to expand our knowledge and update these resources to strengthen the health care and public health community’s response to the challenges ahead.
If you or a loved one is feeling distressed, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call or text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.
For questions on the Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience’s response to COVID-19, contact
Join the clinician well-being and coronavirus mailing lists for related updates.