Health Data Sharing to Support Better Outcomes: Building a Foundation of Stakeholder Trust
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Tweet this! The effective use and sharing of health data is foundational to transforming the American health system to one that is patient-focused, efficient, and effective. Read about how this potential can be realized in a new Special Pub: #NAMLeadershipConsortium
Tweet this! Continued involvement of patients, families, and communities is essential to achieving open, continuous, and private health data sharing. Read about how building trust among all stakeholders is critical in a new Special Publication: #NAMLeadershipConsortium
Tweet this! The authors of the newest @theNAMedicine Special Publication believe “that health data sharing is a moral imperative.” Read more about their proposed steps to build trust, remove barriers, and accelerate progress: #NAMLeadershipConsortium
Tweet this! “Nothing has made a more urgent case for accelerating health data sharing than #COVID19.” Read a new @theNAMedicine Special Publication that outlines a proposed path toward effective data sharing: #NAMLeadershipConsortium
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The effective use and sharing of health data is foundational to the concept of a learning health system—one that leverages and shares data to learn from every patient experience and move toward transforming health, health care, and health equity. However, achieving this vision will require eliminating the artificial boundaries that exist today among patient care, health system improvement, and research.
A new Special Publication from the National Academy of Medicine provides a broad overview of the barriers (economic, technologic, and cultural) that stand between our current data sharing paradigm and this ideal state. The Special Publication underlines that trust must be the foundation for moving forward, cultivated intentionally and longitudinally among all stakeholders.
Breaking down these barriers will require an unrelenting commitment across multiple stakeholders toward a shared goal of better, more equitable health. We can improve together by sharing and using data in ways that produce trust and respect. Patients and families deserve nothing less:
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