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The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing will be held as a collaborative activity of the U.K.’s Royal Society and Academy of Medical Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine, and The World Academy of Sciences.

Building on previous events held in Washington, DC (2015) and Hong Kong (2018), the London meeting will continue the global dialogue on the scientific, ethical, and governance issues surrounding somatic and germline human genome editing. Major themes for discussion include recent developments in clinical trials and genome editing tools such as CRISPR/Cas9, as well as equitable access to somatic genome editing therapies.

A multidisciplinary committee, which includes representatives from eleven nations, was appointed to develop the Summit’s agenda.

Panel topics include:

  • An update on genome editing regulation in China following the revelation at the 2018 summit that a scientist had carried out germline editing in a clinical setting, resulting in the birth of children with heritable genome edits.
  • Hopes and fears for the future development and applications of genome editing technologies, for therapeutic and non-therapeutic uses.
  • Sickle Cell Disease: A Case Study Affecting Millions
  • The role of non-scientists, including the public, in setting the research agenda.
  • Ethical, societal and cultural considerations surrounding somatic and germline human genome editing.
  • Clinical and patient perspectives on genetic editing treatments, with a particular focus on sickle cell disease.
  • The state of the science for germline genome editing in embryos and gametes.
  • Regulation and policy approaches to increase capacity and accessibility to somatic treatments for genetic diseases globally.

The Summit agenda and speaker information is available on the Royal Society website –  https://royalsociety.org/science-events-and-lectures/2023/03/2023-human-genome-editing-summit/

In preparation for the Summit, a three-part series of online events was held in 2022 (Looking Ahead to the Third Human Genome Editing Summit), which focused on scientific developments, equity and access, and governance of human genome editing. Presentations for all the speakers are available on the event page.

Those unable to attend in person will be able to view the Summit and participate via livestream.

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